Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for March. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: March
The most incredible idea, concept or plan will appear in March. Unless you make it real, nothing will happen. In fact, it may disappear, which would be a huge waste of potential. What comes your way may be inspired or feel as if it has been channelled. In other cases, it may be secret or hidden from view. We have Pisces weather in March which concerns everything that is behind the scenes, confidential or impossible for some people to see. Pisces weather can also coincide with inspiration from the spirit world – your spirit guides, for example. Time is of the essence, Aries. Now, I know your zodiac sign is famous for springing into action, so I hope you will do something as soon as possible about this stunning project, proposal or brainwave. This means believing in it. It also means believing in yourself, in order that you can bring it down to earth and make it real. This is rather like Sir Bob Geldof and Paula Yates having the inspiration for Live Aid. Had they done nothing about it, then nothing would have happened. It went on to change the world. Aries, I do not know what you are open to, in your career, your life at university or college – or your unpaid work. I do not know what you are open to with all your part-time interests or hobbies. What I do know is that you will not have cycles like this again, in your lifetime. It is possible that you will have a dream that shows you what must be done. Dreams can sometimes be psychic during Pisces weather, which we have in March. I know that many of you are already very familiar with Tarot cards, mediumship, crystals, dreams and other alternatives, so perhaps you will have direct inspiration that way. In other cases, none of this is really part of your life, but you will be swept away by the powers of your imagination. Wishing and hoping. Speculating. Daydreaming. It may seem to you, that you can’t take this seriously – that it is just a pipe dream or could never come to pass. Please don’t do this, Aries. When I look at your horoscope I can see an idea whose time has come. If you reach for this, make it real, believe in it – believe you deserve it – and plant it somewhere solid, it will grow. In fact, it could become the future, for you. I am saying this because of the 12-year cycles of Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, rewards, benefits and long-term success. In March, you have a special pattern involving Jupiter and your own planet Mars, which rules Aries. If you can go with this secret or hidden idea, or this channelled concept, then you can find the right place for it. By that, I mean the right environment, in terms of a particular area, region, or country – or a specific company, house, apartment or office. Think about the place very carefully. It is critical that you do not waste any time with this, as your horoscope does not guarantee it will hang around forever. At the same time, take a deep breath and do the necessary research or homework, particularly online (which saves effort). I can see your brainwave or plan thriving in a number of different places or ‘homes’ but you need to find the very best one, for what you want to achieve. Aries, if you can reach for this, make it real, secure it in the right place and then look after it – you will have wonderful results, starting in a trickle from November 2018 and changing your life by Christmas 2019. If you are thinking about a blog, a website, a book, a university or college course, workshops (all taught or studied), a multimedia project, a lecture tour, or similar – this is for you! You can double that message if it involves another region, nationality or country. Or global reach. Your horoscope is very clear on this, but your personal birth chart holds the extra clues.
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Taurus: March
The most fantastic emotional rewards are in store for you in March. You will have to reach for them and make them real, but your friends and the groups you are involved with, are the source. You may, for example, be asked to become a godparent by a good friend. You could also turn a friendship, or a connection with somebody in your group, into a new romance. Your personal birth chart will show the details. Taurus, in other cases it may be a band, club, team, trade union, political party, spiritual group or other formal network of people which offers you the most astonishing and deeply fulfilling gift. It may be spiritual. It may be precious in other ways. If ever there was a time when friends or the group felt like family, it is March 2018. What takes place will feed the group. This may be a circle of friends you keep up with on Twitter, or just in your private social life. There may also be a more formal collection of people – like the ensemble cast of a television show, or a charity which you have been involved with for many years. Not only do you benefit, in the most stunning way, but you also find the benefits flow on to the group as a whole. I know we are coming up to Oscars season and I have a few Hollywood readers, so please know – your Oscars trophy is within reach, for the film as a whole – and it would be the gift that goes on giving, for yourself and the cast and crew. This brings me to a really important point, Taurus. I don’t know what is in line for you, and who you are involved with – but you need to make this real! It has to be something you not only believe in, but you also feel you can take. Unless you take practical steps to claim this emotionally fulfilling prize, it may come and go. By this, I mean it may be a notion, a daydream, a fantasy or a thought. Then it slips away, because you did not have faith in it, and you did not try to take it. Astrology can be really funny in this way. It has rules. Those rules are based in science (specifically Quantum Physics), but unless you ‘pop’ your universe into existence, it remains as a weird kind of potential universe. It never happens at all. This would be such a tremendous waste that I can’t really bear to think of it happening. Taurus, you really deserve this, and so do your friends, or the others in the group. There is one more thing I have to say about what is on offer. Nobody else can really see it. Nobody else can really make it out. Oh, they might glimpse bits and pieces, but the whole thing is hidden from view. I believe this is because it is secret. Perhaps it is all classified or confidential. It is also possible that what is going on, is just so mysterious that nobody who is not intimately involved with the situation, could possibly understand what they are looking at. Does that sound suitably fascinating for your March forecast? Well, it’s true. This may be an award your group is up for, or fantastic personal news involving a friend (an engagement, a baby) or even a shared plan, like a holiday together. Maybe the news that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is coming to speak to your Buddhist group. Whatever comes to pass – if you believe in it, and reach for it, and make it real – it will be solid gold. A glittering prize. A rich reward. In time others will come to see what they did not understand, know or see at the time. For now, this is for you. Make it yours and do it now.
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Gemini: March
The time has come to turn away from friends or groups so that you can come back to these people – perhaps – when things feel better. The group may be a political party, film crew, charity, social media circle, online or another network. Within this group are valuable friends and acquaintances, but this is not enough for you in March. I suspect you need to find yourself. A cycle which will only happen once in your life is coming. It will mean a completely different perspective on particular friends or groups. It is also possible, depending on your personal birth chart, that you may never return to these people. You will walk away permanently from the friendships, or the band, club, team and so on. I personally think this would be a shame. But your journey is personal to you. The U2 song, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For comes to mind in March. These people are not enough for you, emotionally. Or you may feel a gap. Perhaps the group itself is missing important people. Or, perhaps you feel this circle of people is fractured or unstable. You are coming out of the long Uranus in Aries cycle which began in 2011. At the same time, Uranus is preparing to move into an area of your horoscope which we associate with solitude. Soul-searching. Hibernation. It may be that you physically travel or move away from these people in March. So, you may take a trip, or pack your boxes, and leave them behind. In other cases, there will be a less dramatic journey. You may just turn down invitations or forget about previous appointments. You appear to be seeking a completely different direction in life. This is right for the times, but as you have spent quite a lot of time, energy and effort with this group (and there may be a couple of groups, for some Geminis) do think about how things might seem to you, later on. In other words, please have something and someone to return to. Between 2011 and 2017 you forged friendships, loyalties and solid gold bonds with people. What has resulted is a unique blend of faces. It’s not neat and tidy. It’s not orderly. It is what it is. Your horoscope suggests that this is the raw material for something which could be so special, weeks or months from now. Leave the friendships and the group in a good place before you travel away, move – or just ‘travel’ in more subtle ways, by dropping out from the usual Twitter conversations, or not involving yourself as you normally might in particular social events or meetings. Assuming you do return to these people when you are more certain of yourself, and of them, it will be under new skies. You will also be a different person. We have two Full Moons this month and that is taking its toll on you, emotionally. You may feel detached, perhaps disappointed, or just dissatisfied. There is nothing there for you, psychologically or spiritually, even though there should be! Quite rightly, you are guessing and hoping that the answer rests within you. That it is you who needs to change, to feel different, to take a different perspective. Then you can come back away from these unusual Full Moon cycles and see these friends or groups in a brand-new light. Then you can get to work. Some fantastic things are possible – really quite extraordinary. Gemini, I will still give you the option, though. If your personal birth chart is angled a particular way in March, then it may be that you feel you must turn your back on particular friendships, bands, political parties, good causes, online groups and the rest and say goodbye. For good.
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Cancer: March
You could fall in love, move in together, get engaged or marry in March, Cancer. Your personal birth chart, if you are a Premium Member, will tell the full story. In other cases, you and your existing partner will reach an important agreement together, like a new baby, a holiday, a business venture, renovations or a new property. A high percentage of Cancer people will get back together with their former partners this month, too. Which will it be for you? Of course, it depends on your own astrological profile and horoscope, based on your time, place and date of birth. I would also like to pass on that if you have been arguing, you two will now reach a peace treaty. Cancer, in a very few cases, the other person will be your work partner – not your sexual partner. Again, this depends on your personal birth chart. I do think that a particular house, apartment, block of land, business headquarters or holiday home is in the background, and this will become obvious to you at the Full Moon in Libra on Saturday 31st March. A classic outcome for you might be deciding to move or emigrate, having reached agreement with your wife or husband. There may also be an amicable separation or divorce, Cancer, which of course means one of you moves out, or the property is divided. There is another reason for this focus on a house, apartment, mortgage, lease or perhaps the family as a whole. Rare patterns in your horoscope involving the North Node in Leo suggests karma is being collected. By this, I mean that you and the man (or woman) in question have some long past-life involvements together, over many incarnations. Now, you must reach some kind of exchange. It may appear to be about the money, house, business or apartment – as it will stand, later in 2018 or perhaps by 2019. It is actually about the emotional cost of what you have to give, and the emotional price or value of what is received. Even in this lifetime, you two have gathered karma with each other, as all the previous cycles in Leo have seen you creating particular debts and credits with each other. You have banked your souls. Something I would like to add to your forecast is a word of advice on fear. One of you is strongly affected by fear in March! Sometimes fear comes dressed up as hesitation. Shyness. Awkwardness. As Morrissey and The Smiths remind us, ‘Shyness is nice’ but it can also stop you from doing all the things in life you’d like to. This is a rather coy and amusing way of talking about quite a big decision. Sleeping together. Kissing, even. Agreeing to separate – broaching the subject of breaking up. Fear can also be far more obvious, so this might go beyond fumbling around or holding back, for one of you. This may be one of you feeling quite frozen. Stuck. Paralysed. The way through this is to remember that you are different but equal. You have a karmic relationship with each other which has come around. It’s time. So, give what you feel, and accept what is given. Understand that you two are souls combined no matter what the transaction happens to be. You have gone through similar transactions many times before and will do so again. Really? Yes, one more time again. So, take the time to get it right.
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Leo: March
This month you need to decide who and what to cut out of your life. The reward for you will be new freedom to travel or move, far more ambitiously, in 2018. Once you have done the work, you will be able to explore parts of Europe, the Americas, Australasia (or your own region) and take some amazing new journeys. It is astonishing how even driving a couple of hours to the beach can relaunch you, Leo. And yet I know that some of you also want to export or emigrate. It really depends on your personal birth chart, but in general, I would say that if you want the thrill of transplanting yourself somewhere different, it’s out there – and it could be weeks or months away – but before you can get started you need to get rid of a situation which is holding you back. I mentioned that you have work to do, though. Correct. This is going to take effort. You will need a strategy Leo, you need to figure out a plan which will let you be as secure and in control as possible, while you axe people, organisations or situations you do not need. You also need to decide if you want to issue a warning to others, to keep them at bay, or if you actually want to put a permanent stop to attitudes or approaches you don’t want. This is a personal choice. You may want to intimidate or put others off. On the other hand, you may reach a point where you want to not just say ‘Cut it out’ but actually mean it – and do something about it. If we are talking about situations rather than actual individuals, groups, departments or organisations, it’s a little different. This may be a set-up (perhaps more than one set-up) in your life which makes you feel vulnerable, which you are now determined to do something about. Call it life surgery. Leo, we have a lot of Pisces weather in March. This means you have a major blind spot from day one, March 1st and that is why you need a strategy. Not seeing and not knowing, is no way to go on. You need full 20/20 vision so that you can figure out the extent of any threat or risk to you. There is an interesting possibility here that you are being paranoid with no good reason! In other words, the situation you need to cut out is your own unfounded fear about who or what you feel so potentially threatened by. Your personal birth chart, which you will have if you are a Premium Member, will really tell you that. Are you imagining problems where there are none at all remaining, or do you genuinely need to deal swiftly and effectively with people, situations or organisations which are a threat? In any case you need to see who and what is actually around you, so you can run your life properly. It can be scary to put down your guard entirely. Maybe just drop 50% of your guard so that you are still free to defend and protect yourself against who/what you feel is a threat. That leaves the other 50% of you also free to move quickly on your blind spot. Visualise yourself removing a blindfold. Visualisation techniques are powerful. I mentioned the Pisces weather before – this sign has long been associated with heavy fog and sea mist. It also describes the inability to see very clearly or far, when deep sea diving. If this sounds like you in March – unable to see straight - then you know what to do. Drop your guard enough to get a firm handle on who or what is blinding you and remove it. Then quickly resume your guard and at last – no doubt with a huge sense of relief and release – perceive the people or situation as it really is. You’re still protected but now you can figure out what to do – effectively! No more blind spots. New tactics. Your life as you have been psychically detecting it, or imagining it, or assuming it to be was not the whole story. Now you’ll have it. Perhaps everything has been an illusion! If so you have nothing to do. You can move on. If, however, you do have people, organisations or situations around you which are a genuine threat – you feel defensive, or vulnerable, or at risk – then you know what to do. This is when that other choice comes in. You can choose to keep everything and everybody firmly at bay by making it very clear what hard consequences there will be, perhaps. Or maybe you can keep a situation at bay by taking firm steps to make sure it never happens. Then again, Leo, you can actually axe attitudes, set-ups or approaches which you simply will not tolerate. Or, perhaps, you can perform that life surgery I was talking about earlier on. Inside every Leo we find a proud Queen Elizabeth or King Arthur. You are the royal sign. The King or Queen of the jungle. I have no doubt at all that you can activate this brave, fierce, deadly side of yourself if you have to and win any battle. A really good question for you in March is this – ‘Who or what am I being blind to?’ and I would pair it with this – ‘Who or what am I threatened by and why?’ – or ‘Who or what do I need to cut out of my life?’ Remember, once you do the work you will be free to travel or move, or to ‘travel’ online more widely and gain from websites, blogs or social media in other places. Free to explore!
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Virgo: March
It is not central to your life yet, Virgo, but from 6th November, just after Bonfire Night in Great Britain, a very special group of people will become part of your life. Maybe you can glimpse the future. Perhaps you have a date or deadline in early November involving a club, team, charity, band, political party, ensemble cast, choir, class or similar. This collection of people has karmic ties with you. You all knew each other before. In 2019 when the cycle unfolds completely, you will look back at March and understand why life unfolded in a particular way then. March will turn out to be the first scene in the film of your life. The friends, or the group, is in the background – but it is not yet part of the main plot. This month is really about your mind, body and spirit. You may take up swimming this month or go on a detox. You may take up yoga. Of course, many Virgo people are already committed to their bodies and so March may be the start of your new Pilates term (for example) or just the usual new Spring clean of your approach to alcohol, food, water, fitness and the rest – as half of you are reading this in the Northern hemisphere, where Spring is well and truly on the way. I think it’s important that you devote as much time and energy to yourself as you can, this month. Your body has to be your temple. I know that we live in a society where ‘body’ automatically means sex, or fertility. Actually, March is about owning the body you have and enjoying it for quite different reasons. This may resonate with you, because you have been living with long cycles – since 2008 – which have challenged you as a parent; as a lover; as a potential parent. Your own personal birth chart will explain what has been going on, but the cycles of Pluto and Neptune have not really given you a chance to experience your body as united with your soul. Questions about sex or questions about parenthood may have taken over. Now, you are in a phase of the year when the swimming pool, the spa, the one-day fast, the mountain climbing, the bushwalking or the pantry spring-clean will change everything. It is one thing to look in the mirror and see your body being transformed. It is quite another to realise that this is actually part of what being a Virgo is all about. You are your body! So, when the mind, body and spirit are in agreement and operating as one – you feel good. No, better than that. You feel great. Part of the importance of March for some people born under your sign is the planet itself. The environment. You may turn to vegetarian or vegan food because you are concerned about factory farmed meat, for example. You may start growing your own fruit and vegetables, if you can, so that you play your part in helping Mother Nature make a comeback. Virgo, when the time is right, later on this year, you will bring yourself – body and soul – to the rather dazzling group of people I mentioned as the start of your forecast. You’ll play your part.
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Libra: March
You will be very happy with your group of friends or acquaintances in March. This may be your political party, astrological association, ensemble cast, orchestra, or football team. These people are solid gold. You are also tremendously lucky to have such strong backing. Your friends or acquaintances literally ‘have your back’ in March. You have earned good karma in this lifetime and also other lifetimes too, Libra. The North Node is making some wonderful patterns in your Eleventh House of comradeship and people power. In astrology, the Node shows past life credits, but also earned good fortune in this life too. This begs the question, what is the next step? You may be writing a book together, making a film together or joining forces on a building restoration project. You may be saving lives with the Samaritans or saving dolphins and whales with Sea Shepherd. It is not enough to feel content with your achievements as a friend, though. Perhaps you really are peaking with your Twitter numbers in March, but there is no point in reaching this lovely point in your social life without actually converting feelings into achievements. The fact is, Libra, groups need input. Not collectively. The individual friends or acquaintances need your time, energy, care and thought. Then something really interesting can start to happen. Enjoy March for the lovely emotional reward. You must be special to have either ended up with this solid gold team, club or group behind you. You must be skilled at the art of friendship to have achieved this many people behind you. Yet, Libra, March does not last forever, and you need to take each person on board as an independent individual. Understand every face within the group. Everybody is similar – birds of a feather do flock together – but there is so much more to be done, in terms of appreciating what each person actually has to give. There is also work to be done in figuring out the chemistry. How best to mix these people? How best to combine their individual ingredients? Who goes with whom? Finally, it is time to look at someone who requires a second and third look. This person is also part of the group, but he or she is not in the right place. There could easily be a farewell here, or some other disruption. As you attend to every friendship and the alchemy between all the different people involved, make sure you pay special attention to the one person who could so easily be on the outer. That will affect another person, and so on. You deserve to feel pleased and proud now but do the work. This is not just about maintenance of friends or groups, it is also about seeing how your shared people power could achieve tremendous things in 2018.
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Scorpio: March
Scorpio, you need to rest, recover and repair yourself in March. You have been through a lot, both recently and in the past. Shakespeare’s ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ have come your way. No wonder you need to be reborn. You can be, but you will need to give yourself time and space. This may be because of issues with your body, as ever since Uranus moved signs in 2011, you have been through some radical changes with your health, fitness or medical condition. Perhaps you have simply never healed from situations affecting your very soul! You may bear scars, but you have not had the opportunity to truly rejuvenate, spiritually. The time has come for you to well and truly leave past battles behind you. You are slowly moving into a new cycle, which can happen only once in your lifetime, when you will be able to leave old conflicts (even ancient conflicts) or possibly, attacks, in the distant past. These slings and arrows will eventually seem as grey and dusty as the oldest of graves, covered in cobwebs. To get there from here, though, you need to turn to sleep or meditation. Perhaps to confession. Certainly, to meaningful rest or a long period of introspection. Scorpio, if you are familiar with your chakras or aura, this is the month to work on both, as the results will be astonishing. Even if you are one of the more down-to-earth Scorpios, you will still be able to rest, recuperate and then relaunch in March. When the time is ready, you will prove to yourself and others that Scorpio the scorpion is the famous survivor of everything. Even repeated nuclear-level experiences. Now to the possible rewards. There is the most wonderful potential for you involving children, young people – or perhaps one special child. This may be your son, daughter, godchild, niece, nephew or grandchild. It may be a baby you want to have, or a child which may be adopted, fostered or born with the help of IVF. You may also have paid or unpaid work involving children and young people, as a whole. In astrology, everything is a possibility until you reach for it and make it real. Astrology is based partly on quantum physics, were we ‘pop’ our universe into being. Perhaps this younger face, or these younger faces, plural, represent a mere daydream at the moment. Maybe this is all a forgotten prayer. It may be a vague thought or a hunch or a faint hope. With so much extraordinary Pisces weather in March, in the area of your horoscope which rules the relationship between parents and children – or older and younger generations – you really must reach for this. Not yet. First, you need to attend to yourself. Become who you are meant to be. Then take your place in the world of children or young people. It is waiting.
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Sagittarius: March
This is one of the most important months of the year. You may be travelling or moving, if your personal birth chart agrees. If so, it’s an adventure. Not just another trip or relocation. Even if you stay at home in March, you will be deeply involved with people online in other regions or countries. This involvement will change your life, if you are open to new faces and experiences. As so many Sagittarians will be picking up keys to a new house, apartment, holiday home or Air BnB rental over the next four weeks, I do need to pass on some advice. We have heavy Pisces weather now. Low visibility. I don’t want to harsh your mellow, but you need to be much better prepared for the journey or move. You appear to be quite blind to some risks and I would feel much better, as your astrologer, if you listened to that small voice within (or that deeply intuitive or sensible person who is trying to be heard). Don’t just go for it with a song in in your heart and your carry-on in your hand. I won’t bore you with the obvious concerns about Brexit, currency exchange rates, terrorism, extreme weather (climate change) and the rest. I am sure there are other risks I have not even listed. Much as I’d love to say your chart is all green lights and a row of thumbs-up, you need to take out insurance and you also need to ‘insure’ your trip or move by doing all the homework and research you possibly can. It may be that there is another way to go – an alternative version of the path you were thinking of taking. Sagittarius, if your concern is with other faces in other places, on the worldwide web, this message also applies. Before you put yourself out there, or make particular arrangements, you need to be much more aware of the risks. Again, this is down to the Pisces weather of March. We have low visibility. A heavy fog warning. You appear to have a blind spot. Sagittarius is not a particularly practical sign. You are a fire sign. Enthusiastic. Energetic. Adventurous. Not so much about the dull nuts-and-bolts of life. Now is the time to be less swayed by the feelings or the yearnings, and far more alert to the many, many options you have. It does not mean sacrificing that connection or place you are so drawn to, across the region or across the world. It does mean slowing down and listening. Or reading the facts. The most extreme outcome of March would be your decision to postpone a trip or move. That may happen, depending on your personal chart. That’s fine. There is another way and you’ll end up where you want to be. If you do pack your bag (or mentally pack your bag, if you’re living your life online) then the best of British luck. There is something so glorious about a true explorer, Sagittarius, and that’s you at the moment. Just read the advice.
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Capricorn: March
The powerful asteroid Cupido, the son of Venus, dominates your chart in March. Let’s talk about couples. Everybody has a special relationship. The United Kingdom has The Special Relationship with the United States. You have a special relationship with your former, current or potential lover. You are slowly moving into a new cycle which you have never experienced in your lifetime. Uranus, the planet which makes you question your own freedom and independence, is poised to move into your zone of sexuality and intimacy. If you are single, Capricorn, then in March you will have to make a decision about your former boyfriend, husband, wife or girlfriend (perhaps). This is only really likely if you two are still sexually hooked. In other cases, you will be thrown together with a potential new lover, or someone who actually goes to bed with you. What follows is decision time. In fact, this is one of the most important months of the year, for you single Capricorns. Something about you two, together, prevents both of you from being free. You both appear to be overwhelmed or dominated by a person, or a situation. I am not sure what or who you are so intimidated by but ask yourself what it would take to take practical steps to liberate yourself and the man (or woman) in question. What conversation? What game plan? It obviously has to be a mutual arrangement, but I do think there is a moral or ethical issue here. The fact is, we are all human. We are also sexual beings. And everybody deserves to be free. No good can come from staying stuck where you both are. So talk! And act! Capricorn, I will now look at those of you who are married or in regular relationships. In 2018, as Uranus moves into Taurus and your sexuality zone, and 2019, as the North Node moves through Cancer (and your zone of husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends) we have substantial change. In March, you will both need to make a landmark decision about the nature of your partnership. If you have your personal birth chart as a Premium Member then you will know if this is the hovering question of separation, divorce or a major change in your sex life. If you married, then you made vows, and very possibly in church, before God. Even if you never married, but live together, or have a regular (but uncommitted) relationship, you’ll be affected by all the laws, codes, rules and regulations of our society. We live in a world where there are powerful ideas about right, wrong, good and bad applied to sex in particular, and specifically couples – as this goes right to the core of issues about children, parenthood and the future of our society as a whole. I really have to say this to you, because we have a Full Moon in March which falls in your zone of religion, personal beliefs, spirituality and philosophy. You’re going to have to be honest about your own ethics. And it is this man or woman – your partner – who will bring you to that point. Unless you both take firm steps to liberate yourselves from the situation, you will remain stuck. It may take a great deal of talking, but it’s time. I mentioned the Special Relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States at the beginning of your March forecast. Sometimes even a special relationship that is 200+ years old has to change or break up. The alternative is to forget that sweet liberty was one of the founding principles. And I may as well be talking about you and your husband, boyfriend, wife or girlfriend. Time to shift.
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Aquarius: March
The time has come to show yourself as the true Aquarian you are. You always have, and always will, supply a group with what it needs. Supply your friends and acquaintances. In Rome, an Aquarius was literally the water-bearer. He carried the water which supplied the community. The water in the famous Roman Baths was partly his work. I am sure you know that the Roman Baths were so much more than just a place to swim. They were communal gathering places when all kinds of people shared group resources like a library, as well as a pool. March is one of the most important months of the year, Aquarius, when you will make your reputation as part of a very special group, or as the outsider who nonetheless makes everything possible. It may be your band. It may be your activist campaign. Perhaps this is a charity, yoga class, book group or football team. I don’t think you’re aware of how big this is going to be in 2019, but that’s fine. The fact is, lucky Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, rewards, hope and wonderful success is going to move into your Eleventh House of friendships and networks at the end of this year. Keep on doing what you are doing. You do it so well. You supply the circle – whatever that circle might be – with exactly the right stuff. What might be less obvious to you, perhaps, is the dazzling potential of people power as a whole, with your own contribution in particular, next year. I have mentioned for another zodiac sign this month that the Oscars are on the way and as I have a few readers in Hollywood, it may be a film crew and cast that is at the heart of this prediction for you. This brings me to an important point for all Aquarians, both those in Los Angeles and those elsewhere. There is always a star in a group. There is always an Oprah shining brightly above the Democrats, or the #MeToo campaign. There is always a John Lydon with Public Image, or The Sex Pistols. You don’t get England in 1966 without Bobby Moore. But (and this is a big but) you are now on the brink of discovering how else to make a group of friends work. In astrology, everything is potential until you make it real. This is science as well. Nothing is set in stone until you rearrange the pebbles. With so much activity in the Eleventh House of your chart, both now and next year, and so many patterns in your own zodiac sign of Aquarius – you are being given a fantastic gift. The gift of free experimentation with group chemistry and people power in general. Maybe it’s time the drummer went upfront. Perhaps someone needs to join the community or the Twitter tribe, who is on the outer. Take a closer look at the old ‘star system’ in any political party, children’s charity or similar and see if you want to keep it or change it. You’ve always ‘done’ Aquarius a particular way. Now, for the first time in years, you are at liberty to try being a different kind of Aquarian.
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Pisces: March
You have taken on too much, with your paid work or unpaid work, and you need to delegate or reschedule. You may even need to drop one or two plans or projects, Pisces. It really depends on how overloaded you have become. At the moment, the North Node is passing through your zone of fitness, health, doctors, therapists, masseurs and surgeons. If your body is out of balance in March, it is time to listen to your body and stop carrying so much. We have Pisces weather this month, as you may know. A vast amount of asteroids and planets in your own zodiac sign. Pisces is associated with sea mist and heavy fog. Poor visibility. Your horoscope tells me you cannot see where you are going. This is very peculiar, because surely the point of taking on so many ideas, brainwaves, concepts, projects or tasks, is to achieve something specific? It may be the purchase of a house or apartment. Paying off the mortgage. Moving somewhere better. Renovating. Perhaps it is the cultivation of new possibilities for success, achievement or money. All this is quite understandable, but you may be sacrificing the individual outcomes of particular ideas, by trying to do too much at the same time. In other words, no single goal or project is getting the proper attention it needs. Can you delegate? Why not? Can you at least make the weekend, a real weekend and down tools? We take our iPhones and MacBook Air laptops wherever we go, as the boundaries between work and leisure blur. If ever there was a month when you needed to stop completely, Pisces, this is it. You will only see straight and true – and get proper perspective at last – when you offload. A strategy is what you need, so you can do particular goals justice (they are so full of fantastic potential) and so you can regain your sense of direction. I’m fairly sure your mind, body and spirit will thank you too.
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