Your Weekly Horoscope for February 25-March 4

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 25 February-4 March 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 25 February-4 March 2018

The stage is set for battle this week. Of course, the world is always at war somewhere – but this affects us all. Patterns in fiery Aries, the planet of speed, heat and impulse suggest a great need for the United Nations to stop one leader in his tracks.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 25 February-4 March 2018

Aries you are carrying too much responsibility at work or home. Maybe both. Delegate the load and give yourself a break. There are far too many budding projects and plans and it’s like lugging round ten laptops. If your body (back ache in particular) tells you that you’re pushing it, listen to your body. You obviously have some distant goal here. A house. An apartment. Renovations. Property investment. A holiday home. Nothing will fall apart if you take time out to come up with a strategy that’s going to work better for you. Reach out to those who can help.

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Taurus: 25 February-4 March 2018

Enjoy your home, home town, holiday home or garden this week. We have a dazzling cluster in Leo, the sign which encourages you to be Queen or King of the jungle. The true Taurus needs to remember why they work so hard, no matter if it’s professionally, with unpaid work or on home maintenance. Unless you occasionally stop and really savour what you have done, there’s not much point. Have you been working steadily towards renovations, landscape gardening, a new apartment or house, or just some ‘Spark Joy’ in your bedroom? You’ll hit a goal now. You also need to remember that your past, present or potential partner is still the gift that goes on giving. I’m reminded of your fellow Taurus Barbra Streisand singing ‘Evergreen’. Time to appreciate this again.

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Gemini: 25 February-4 March 2018

If you want a lot of money, then you have to reach for it. You have to make it real. This may be a legacy, shares reward, insurance settlement, freelance payment or grant. Whatever amount this is, it would put you in control. You obviously have ambitions to fulfill; perhaps a house, garden or apartment to focus on – maybe a trip to take. Bring this down to earth and make it your total priority. Believe it’s true and believe it’s yours. You may have to negotiate with the universe, or with other people, but you honestly don’t get Pluto patterns like this very often, in the sign of Capricorn. It rules tax returns, new income streams, sales and the rest. Very occasionally this cycle is about saving a lump sum rather than making it, but even if you save it, you can spend it later.

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Cancer: 25 February-4 March 2018

How will you use the available money, no matter if it is money saved, or money made? There are family questions here, or perhaps questions about the local community (if it is your substitute family). Your ruler the Moon is in Leo, in your cash, business, property and assets zone on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. The Moon will put the ‘flow’ into cash flow for you and it does look as if though it’s time to think about all the ages involved. The children? The older people? You also have major long-term trends in the horoscope zone we associate with legacies, houses that stay within the family or apartments that matter more, because they are in your home town. As always with you, it’s not just about the cash you save or make. It has to mean something, in terms of the people. Maybe the animals too, if the dogs or cats are your family.

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Leo: 25 February-4 March 2018

The time has come to look across town; across the region; across the sea. Close to Tuesday 27th February you should be optimistic. Even if you have been stuck between a rock and a hard place, your plans have fantastic potential. You are ready to take these onto the worldwide web or pack some bags. Good! Not only will this succeed, you will also enjoy a holiday from reality. You are more attached to one project or idea than any other, but don’t forget the rest. You need to multi-task. Keep an eye on the groups or crews around you too. You need to know how they’re travelling.

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Virgo: 25 February-4 March 2018

Where is the money? Virgo, you need to make sure you have the best people on board to do the job. This may be business assets, actual cash, precious possessions or an income source. Close to Tuesday, when you have two important asteroids in your zone of legal settlements, shares, tax returns, legacies, payments and the rest – it’s time to try and clear things up. There is a fair amount of mystery here. It’s really important that you make sure that your accountant (for example) is a good fit, for the situation. You do need people who know how to live in the real world, and there is something about the two or three faces you have on the job, which suggests the real world is not their place! I can’t tell you if the money saved (or made) is there for sure, but I can advise you to rethink the plan and maybe the people.

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Libra: 25 February-4 March 2018

Some rest, repair and recovery is required. I am sure you can think of a few other words beginning with R. Libra, you have been through a hell of a lot in recent times. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have been thrown your way too many times. Now, you need to sleep more, meditate or just spend more time alone. Libra, you are in transition now and you need to cross into a new life. Once you are ready to re-emerge like a butterfly from the cocoon, try to see there are some battles you need to leave far behind, near the Full Moon on Friday 2nd March. What is in store once you do that? Potentially, something wonderful. The door to the world of children is open. Choose any door you wish. This may be your own son or daughter, stepchildren, adopted children, godchildren, younger faces in the family or paid/unpaid work involving youth as a whole. You have to want it enough to make it real but it’s potentially yours to take, and these cycles go on for years, beyond 2023. I love the look of what is possible.

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Scorpio: 25 February-4 March 2018

Keep working and churning out the proceeds. You do have to think about the future, in terms of a house, apartment, holiday home or property investment. Even if you are lost in your own little world this week, escaping into hard work is a profitable thing to do. Close to Tuesday you should be able to put a rocket under your projects, plans, investments, products or deadlines. I’m not saying it’s easy. There is a sense here that you have to do things – come what may. Yet, lift your head up from the ‘other reality’ or parallel universe of work, long enough to see what you’re doing. You’ve seldom been this productive, Scorpio.

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Sagittarius: 25 February-4 March 2018

Mars, the red planet, is now in Sagittarius – your own sign. Mars is also the old Roman god of war, as I am sure you know. This is a week to slow down and cool down. When things move too fast, it only takes a minute for a mistake to be made. Then you have to pick up the pieces. There is always room for an action man or action woman. These are the heroes and heroines of the hour, in any urgent situation. Figuring out the difference between smart, necessary action and crazy rushing is important now. You can double that message if there is a chance of real conflict. Do all you can to stop anyone from clashing with yourself or others and in your own case – deep breath. I think the old saying ‘Choose your battles’ is good advice now. Halve the speed, step back, figure things out, come up with a smart strategy. Even if a situation does come up that is apparently ‘Now, now, now’ there is such a thing as racing ahead of yourself. You also have that family tree issue to think about – it needs focus.

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Capricorn: 25 February-4 March 2018

To head off a possible issue, remove all possible sources for a difference of opinion – to say the least. We have Mars, the planet of conflict, tucked away in the background, just one sign behind you. Nothing is upfront where anyone can deal with it. It is also behind the scenes or hidden. Timing is everything in this situation! It’s a really good time to understand what is at stake, long-term, and be an active pacifist. I’m not saying ‘Make love, not war’ but you could certainly stop something before it goes any further. Eyes wide open, all six senses switched on, firm grasp of where things stand – check, check, check. Now act and make sure there is absolutely nothing left, for anyone to use in a possible stoush.

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Aquarius: 25 February-4 March 2018

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it does grow if you can get real about what you have, and what you could develop. We have a ton of astrological traffic in Pisces this week, which is the sign associated with daydreams and fantasies. We also associate Pisces with escaping from reality, not dealing with it. The fact is, you need to use superb astrological timing now. A little bit of Pisces is nice. You can drift and float with the best of them, for a time. Then, in the interests of your own future wealth, there is definitely money to be made or saved. You have an important ambition to fulfil, or perhaps two of them – by November. Your horoscope suggests you are also completely missing an asset, precious possession or sum of money that’s at your feet. Look – really look – at what is there, Aquarius.

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Pisces: 25 February-4 March 2018

The Full Moon on Friday falls in your zone of former, current and potential partners. Across Thursday-Saturday you may find yourself feeling quite confused about the kind of relationship you have. This may be your former wife who is your friend – but more than that. It may be an old lover who is still in your life (also as a friend) even though you have a husband. We just passed Valentine’s Day and maybe that’s why you feel so puzzled by the rather odd (but precious) connection you hold in your hands. Pisces, your personal birth chart will tell the personal story, but I do want to mention the pregnancies that did (or did not) happen in the distant past. Of course, this may be about the babyhood of a son or daughter who is now much older. It might also be about a miscarriage, for example, or adoption. The baby’s face may not have been your own. Getting real about that will help you get real about yourself. And actually, that’s the biggest clue of all. You’re so far removed from the real world, according to your horoscope, it’s making it even harder to know what to do with this former, current or potential partner of yours. The one that does not tick any boxes except the one marked ‘Does not tick boxes.’ If you can drag yourself back to the ordinary world and stop being so thoroughly Pisces, there is a reward waiting. It’s a proper place for something precious, peculiar and puzzling – emotionally or sexually. And when you find the right place to put it, even if you have to create it, it’s ongoing treasure.

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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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4 thoughts on “Your Weekly Horoscope for February 25-March 4”

  1. Thank you Jessica for a new week horoscope.

    I have Vesta at 23 Scorpio with other chart factors at 23 degrees. Would you be able to highlight what impact it could bring to me?
    Also I have an idea to switch to a new career in technology, digital creative field. Is there any related opportunity with current Jupiter weather?

    Thank you.


    • Vesta in Scorpio in the Eighth House is really about the money, house, business, possessions, charity or apartment – and how you handle being in competition with one or more other females, when a male has the authority or influence. This is very common in the charts of women who have sisters/daughters and a man has his legacy or will to make. There are many other ways it can manifest; marrying a man who has an ex-wife and two daughters, and you have a third daughter, can also trigger it. Justina, you could switch to a digital/creative field in 2018 but it would involve a lot of time alone. You may want to look at that. Being a hermit with a laptop is not for everybody! Yet, if you are inclined that way, you could make it work.

      • Thank you for the insight on Vesta in Scorpio.

        I will need to look further into it! How to avoid toxic house situations where a man has the authority, how to handle it?


        • History and astrology tell us that the women need to join forces and show the man that they have just as much power as he does, when they are all together. I have seen this technique work really well in real life. You are seeing it now with the #MeToo campaign. One woman takes action against a man for sexual assault or abuse, and others follow her. Or they do it together. It doesn’t have to be as serious as this, of course. Vesta often turns up when one man thinks he’s the Emperor with a harem of devoted women all paying him enraptured attention. The best way to handle this is to make friends with the other women and remind him who’s boss (you all are).

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