Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 19-25 February 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 19-25 February 2018
British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn faces a crossroads this week. We may never know about it! The private decisions he makes about the old Labour party manifesto will affect his career and British politics for some time. This is a man alone – however, this is also a man who needs to be alone. The book, policy or website which results will be fascinating. The Miners’ Strike under Margaret Thatcher and the Trade Union movement is his inspiration. Why? The cycles of time are taking Corbyn right back to 1984. The past affects the future.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 19-25 February 2018
You don’t have all day to figure out what you and he (or she) must do about the apartment, house, business or property situation. Here is an opportunity or solution which won’t last forever, so a decision must be made. Your former, current or potential partner is an entirely different breed to you – even though you are from the same species. Figuring out the right path for both of you involves the obvious choice, as well as alternatives which are unexplored. The Road Less Travelled, you might say. One thing which may help is a clearer vision of the group. I am sure you know which circle of people I mean. Get the measure of those people properly and don’t assume or guess. Really address who and what is there.
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Taurus: 19-25 February 2018
You must make up your mind about the money, apartment, house, business, charity or assets this week. This is a substantial sum and it would make a difference to renovation, property investment, rent, hotel or holiday home costs, land, gardens and the rest. As a Taurus you know the value of hanging on and holding on – especially to money or property. It is also rather easy to become stuck and there are new possibilities out there which would add value to life – the kind of value that cannot really be measured in dollars, pounds or euros. If someone is hard to budge, I am sure you can relate. How to best negotiate? You cannot rush people or organisations but you need to read hearts and minds, to do deals. If it is you who is stuck fast, do update yourself about property or travel costs, savings or gains.
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Gemini: 19-25 February 2018
A group or circle of people which is very important to you is split. Uranus, Salacia and Ops are in your club, team and community zone. This means there is potential for a solution, if you want it. However, it will take time and hard work for everyone to feel united again. When the past is cut away, people get hurt. When the old is axed to make way for the new, it can take time to heal. There is a major issue here about space! This is the kind of network where people must figure out how independent each person is allowed to be, without losing the people power that comes, when everyone is together. There are goals here. There are ambitions. Everything is possible and I am sure you can see that. Two things will help. One is to recognise that the individual ideas and plans of each person in this group are oh, so similar. This is the case even if one person feels separated from the rest. Another is to respect and honour the healing process for one face. Yours? His? Hers? Then make it so. If not, someone could walk. And that would be a waste. And it may bring certain risks.
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Cancer: 19-25 February 2018
Keep churning out the work, Cancer – and making the money. With Mars (energy, action) in your Sixth House of daily grind until Saturday 17th March, you really have to apply yourself to the task at hand. One thing that may motivate you is your thoughts about an apartment, house, holiday home or hotel. The only real caution here is that if you rush things, you’ll have to go back and start again. Mars cycles like this can make us impatient to finish, so the money can go into our account. If you have a manual job, like building, then going too fast and too hard can also mean the risk of both hammer and chisel flying. Nobody wants to concuss the cat. One thing that may also help motivate you? Quiet pride in your profession. If this is unpaid work (housework or charity effort) then you may be saving, by your labour.
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Leo: 19-25 February 2018
The time has come to figure out the mind, body and spirit connection. Finding a relaxation technique for your body, like yoga, will help to also relax your mind. At the same time, using your willpower to control your thoughts (mindfulness or cognitive therapy) will make a big difference to how you feel physically. You have a beautiful space to call your own in a house, apartment, caravan, yacht, hotel or holiday home. Enjoy it. The method you master this week will be like a rock you can lean on in years to come. If you are living with depression, anxiety or insomnia try to find the single technique that really works for you.
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Virgo: 19-25 February 2018
Is this you or someone else Virgo? The outcome is important in either case. A large sum of money can be invested, saved, wasted, hoarded or donated. This money may present as an asset – a valuable share, for example, or a precious product or project. Sometimes glittering possessions turn up on a week like this. You have important patterns in Aries, which rules your Eighth House of finance, security, lifestyle and profit. Uranus, Salacia and Ops are here, so let’s look at them in turn. Uranus raises questions about freedom. Nobody wants to be tied down by money. What price tag can you or someone else hang on space and independence? What does it cost? There is always the suggestion with Uranus that one could do something quite radical with the cash. Salacia suggests daydreaming, non-reality, a holiday from the real world. Both feet are off the ground. That’s fine as far as it goes, but let’s now turn to Ops, who arrives on Saturday. She is the mother of sensible, down-to-earth, practical solutions with real long-term benefits. Ops is your friend! Now, strike a deal.
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Libra: 19-25 February 2018
If you are facing a legal decision this week then justice will be done. If you step back from the situation once a judgement has been made you will see that it was strictly equal. Even if there is no barrister, judge, lawyer or jury in your life, a situation where issues about fairness or equality dominate, will be finalised. Once again, if you can step back from the outcome you will see that there is symmetry. We currently have Uranus, Salacia and Ops in your opposite sign. Opposites can be at odds with each other (two parties in opposition) or widely apart, but open to negotiation. Your personal birth chart will tell you if this is post-divorce, a political fight and so on. Sometimes the issue is just your husband or wife and the principles of fairness within a marriage. The arrival of Ops in your opposite sign of Aries on Saturday suggests an important turning point is on the way. You are well-known for walking the path of fairness, justice and equality. Now, you can. Both sides have to agree. It’s even.
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Scorpio: 19-25 February 2018
The money, precious possession or valuable asset in question this week is enough to make a difference to the long-term future if it is used wisely. The question is, where to put it and how to spend it? I would suggest that there is something already growing which you could make more of. You have put it to the back of your mind. There is real business, work or property potential here if you do the research. You obviously need the ideal climate and timing if you’re going to take a little and watch it turn into a lot. How soon could the rewards come? We’re talking 2019. Jupiter the planet of abundance moves into Sagittarius, the sign which rules your returns and profits, that year. At the moment, Mars – the planet of action – is in Sagittarius, which might explain why you feel you need to do something before it all burns a hole in your pocket. It may seem as if you have larger and more serious, weighty issues to deal with now, than can possibly be offset by a relatively small amount. Don’t be fooled. This could grow like Topsy. Any homework you can do will be worth it.
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Sagittarius: 19-25 February 2018
Taking a practical and down-to-earth approach to the money, the precious possession or the valuable asset now is a good idea. Rather than daydreaming about what you could do with it, try to move your gaze away from this and towards the immediate, obvious priority. With sensible Saturn in your finance, property and business zone at the moment, you have to do what is necessary. That may not be particularly inspiring but it will make a hell of a difference to how secure (or even wealthy) you are over the long-term. You’re in a cycle when Jupiter could return a decent profit or outcome in 2020. Beyond that, you need to look at what/who urgently needs attention to the point where it’s sticking out like a sore thumb. Put this to work and do all the boring jobs required. You won’t regret it afterwards. And then, you can turn your attention to the family tree and to your ambitions.
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Capricorn: 19-25 February 2018
Capricorn, this is a milestone week for your health and wellbeing – if you want it. This may involve a group. Clubs, teams, associations and all circles are very good news for you at the moment. You have fortunate Jupiter in this zone of your chart for the first time in 12 years. Yoga class? Well, maybe. Each to his (or her) own, but even if you keep the excellent social, friendship and community side of your life separate from your body – your body will still love a solution. This is the week to see a doctor, surgeon, Reiki healer or similar. It’s the week to have a session with a fitness instructor, Pilates teacher or naturopath. I can see lucky old Jupiter (mentioned above) moving into your body zone in November. That might seem a long way off, but good things start early and with Mars also in your body zone now, the time has come. Update yourself on treatments, therapies, discoveries and the latest thinking. What condition is your condition in? Open up to who and what can make a difference.
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Aquarius: 19-25 February 2018
Don’t daydream for too long about the money, the precious possession or the asset. Life has a way of rolling on and sometimes you can miss what’s good, by remaining too distracted by the dollars, euros, pounds or valuable item. You need to get your feet on the ground. We have Neptune, that great symbol of swimming, diving, surfing and treading water – in your cash zone. No wonder you appear to be floating. It can be nice to float but you need good advice and a few useful updates. There is upkeep of the things you love, for a start. There is also an ambition there – and what an ambition. When the time is right find the experienced expert you trust for a discussion about how to spend it or save it. The future depends on it.
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Pisces: 19-25 February 2018
There are so many songs about money. Pink Floyd and The Beatles were both on the case in the Sixties and Seventies. It’s a gas. The best things in life are free. Then – Money Changes Everything. I am sure you know the KLF allegedly burned their cash. You will be on the giving or receiving end this week and it will have big consequences for how you feel. You may be donating or paying out. Accepting payment or taking a donation or handout. You can translate this into spiritual values without even trying, Pisces. Because everything costs or has a price and there is always some kind of emotional bargain. What might help to remember is that it’s about what is fair. There is a principle of justice here. Maybe you are looking at judges, barristers or lawyers now – in which case, fairness rules. Avoid Lady and Lord Bountiful scenarios like the clappers. Equally, begging is really not what this is about. On a more practical note, ask yourself how something a bit less dramatic and a bit more balanced for everybody can replace this scenario next time. There is enough to go around.
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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Jessica – I’m curious to know the logistics behind your above statements re Jeremy Corbyn, “This is a man alone – however, this is also a man who needs to be alone.” and “The cycles of time are taking Corbyn right back to 1984.” While I’m rather new at all of this, I very much enjoy analysing the aspects and transits of people’s and organizations’ birth charts and would appreciate some tips as to which major areas/events I should be focusing on re his political career: his Cap/Aq/Pis stelliums, his birth chart together with the UK Labour Party’s birth chart, and/or …. ? (I’m in central-eastern Canada and am completely apolitical, period; however, I’m totally hooked on astrology specs!) — Thank you for all of your write-ups.
Thank you. This is rather a late reply, but as I am sure you have seen, the prediction did come to pass – Jeremy Corbyn was accused of espionage and made headlines in Britain. (The person accusing him has since been charged to pay costs to the charity of Mr. Corbyn’s choice). I’m happy to tell you how the prediction was achieved. Corbyn had major transits going through Pisces and his Twelfth House (solitude) making exact aspects to his chart, and also to the chart of the Labour Party in Britain. As it turns out Pisces also rules spies. We haven’t actually seen the last of this story. It continues in March.