Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 12-18 February 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 12-18 February 2018
The Partial Solar Eclipse on Thursday, February 15th, urges us to look behind the money men or the Crypto-currency money-go-round. Why? We all need to see who or what is lurking in the shadows. Finance, business and the economy will take over the front pages but ask more questions about what is hidden. With Jupiter in the Wall Street sign Scorpio and Cupido in the wealth sign Taurus it would be easy to be taken in by spin, but for reasons that will be obvious later in 2018 when we are all looking hard at property prices and mortgage rates, this week it’s time to ask ‘Who/Why?’ Money-laundering is part of this story. In fact, this is a spin cycle like no other.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 12-18 February 2018
You need to figure out if you need to travel or move (or if your ideas do too). This is a really important time for your internet or real-world concepts, sketches, theories, thoughts and plans. Ever since your ruling planet Mars changed signs on January 27th, you have been in a situation where the only real option is to reach out to other nationalities, countries, regions or – ‘other faces, other spaces, other places.’ Nothing is really going to grow and prosper where you are, either because the work environment is not suitable, or there is not enough to feed this plan, at home. You are in this cycle until Mars leave Sagittarius, the sign of exploration, on March 17th. As Mars is also your ruling planet, there is a real question here about how much of an action woman, or action man you actually are. I am sure you know Mars is associated with pushing forward in the world and striking out. What is unusual about your horoscope now is that you are coming out of a long cycle from September 2015 through December 2017 (only recently ended) when it was all so hard. In fact, you have may been temporarily affected by what you endured. Back then, Saturn was in Sagittarius so every time you tried to travel, or travel in the mind, you hit obstacles. Now, things are different. You have a firm grip on your website, blog, book, qualifications, course, or similar. I do feel you need a bit of R&R to get yourself into a position where you can make the big move, Aries. You may need to recover, so that you are back to your old, red-blooded self. That’s fine, but don’t wait too long. I don’t think anything is going to thrive and prosper here, unless you are proactive. Do the research and find out exactly where things belong, and perhaps where you belong as well – either temporarily or even permanently. We have an eclipse too, which can always be a blind spot, so make sure you are ‘seeing’ the second plan, as well as the first one. There are two. You’re ignoring or forgetting something else, just as important and you need to release that and transport it too.
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Taurus: 12-18 February 2018
This week is really about your ambition, Taurus. There are mountains to climb in the distance and Everests to conquer. It might be the next pinnacle of status or success, but you can’t really ignore it. Sometimes you also have to go the long way around, or take your time getting into the right situation, the right frame of mind – and crucially, with the right backing. We have an eclipse this week in the sign of Aquarius which rules groups. This may be a band, an ensemble cast, a political party, a group business venture and so on. It usually involves friends and acquaintances, and it classically involves Twitter. As you probably know, an eclipse is always a blind spot. You’re in the dark about things (just as astronomers peering through telescopes are). Occasionally there is a cover-up. Things can also happen behind the scenes. I mention this, because Aquarius is the zodiac sign which rules your ambition – where you are trying to get to, in life. You may want to be far more sharply aware of the group and where people stand and what their thoughts and feelings are. Of course, an eclipse passes. This one is a Partial Solar Eclipse on Thursday 15th February at about 8.51pm, London time. Once the Moon has changed signs from 2.41am in the early hours of Friday 16th February, also in London, a new day is dawning. We have to allow the world to catch up with itself, though, especially online, so you may want to factor that in. You will know a great deal more about ‘the hive mind’ afterwards and ultimately look at your ambitions again, thinking about what they will involve. Rethinking strategy, tactics, approach and weighing up your own commitment is the final story. Are you a Premium Member? look at your ambitions again, thinking about what they will involve. Rethinking strategy, tactics, approach and weighing up your own commitment is the final story. Are you a Premium Member? look at your ambitions again, thinking about what they will involve. Rethinking strategy, tactics, approach and weighing up your own commitment is the final story.
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Gemini: 12-18 February 2018
Well, it is Valentine’s Day, Gemini. Yet, you also only find your zone of former, current and potential partners loaded like this, every couple of years. You two have a decision to make. Stay or go? Closer or further apart? A new baby? Divorce papers? The thing is, you don’t really get Mars, the action planet, in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, without dealing with the fact that you two are polar opposites. By that, I mean you are different but equal. It’s hard to think of a time when you have been more obviously different to each other. Yet, there are some things which are exactly the same. You are both sexual beings and it’s time to face some naked truths. We have some astrological weather in this department also including Proserpina, which hardly any astrologers use except me. She’s quite a powerful little asteroid and she always brings a situation, person or organization which acts like a go-between. It may be a person playing Cupid this week, if you two need that nudge to get into bed. Maybe you need a marriage guidance counsellor. A divorce lawyer? Proserpina is really active in your horoscope on Monday, the same day as Mars on Monday 12th February, so this kicks in a couple of days – maybe the day before (depending on your time zone) Valentine’s Day. The communication is missing. Trying to read his/her mind or just assuming is not a good call. The communication will be a great deal easier after Thursday (possibly Friday, depending on your time zone again) when the classic blind spots or missing information you get with an eclipse, is no longer there. I can’t really over-emphasise how important this week is. It could be the beginning of the end – an amicable separation, perhaps, or counselling – if your marriage is on the rocks. If you are like John and Yoko on the cover of Two Virgins, though, it could be the start of a beautiful relationship. Talk! Listen! Read! Write!
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Cancer: 12-18 February 2018
We have a lot of action this week in your zone of travel, export, foreigners, emigration, holiday homes and the rest. Chiron, Ops, Neptune, Diana, Panacea, Aesculapia, Venus and finally your ruler (the Moon) are all in Pisces, which is the inspiring (but confusing) sign which rules your prospects across Europe, the United States and Australasia. Finally, the planet Mercury (e-mails, texts, phone calls) enters Pisces on Sunday 18th February so if that isn’t a truckload of choices, I don’t know what is. You’re clearly going for the big booking, negotiation, ticket or commitment with one eye on March. One of the reasons I work with the asteroids is to give you a full picture. So, hopefully we can take the situation apart, so you can see the advantages and disadvantages of Europe, the United Kingdom, America and that part of the map that stretches from my beloved Melbourne across to Hong Kong. I am sure you know Pisces is the sign of the fishes. One swims towards the Northern Hemisphere, one swims towards the Southern Hemisphere. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of the sea. This gives a particularly aquatic feeling to your life this week. You are bobbing around. Pulled this way and that way by the currents. It may be the currencies so remain Brexit and Dow savvy. It may be the people, with their different accents, or phenomenally different outlooks, which are confusing you. Who to choose and why? Maybe you just want to move or export what you have. One thing I would point out is that you have an eclipse to deal with this week. As we all know, eclipses make it hard to see. You don’t have 100% vision, the way you usually might. Looking at the asteroids in turn, I would say that you are being particularly blind to a single woman who has decided she wants to be free of marriage and children, so she can have her independence and space. That’s the asteroid Diana in your chart – and you’re missing her completely! So, maybe it’s time to stop treading water and to actually ground yourself. You know what? You can’t have it all. Not without going nuts. The time zones from New York to Barcelona, via Melbourne mean no sleep until Brooklyn, to quote the Beastie Boys. The actual cultural, linguistic and other differences between people from dramatically different parts of the world also mean you can’t do ‘One world’. Or even one world expedition. Not without burning the candle at both ends to the point where you drop the candle.
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Leo: 12-18 February 2018
You have to think about your former, current or potential partner on a week like this, Leo, and it is partly because Valentine’s Day is here again. It is also, partly, because you need to turn and face your own history in terms of pregnancies, terminations, miscarriages, or the long-ago childhood of sons or daughters who left babyhood a long time ago. All this is part of your background, but you appear to have buried it or forgotten it. With Mars, the action planet, in your zone of parenthood and also unsuccessful pregnancy from the past, it would move things on tremendously if you could seize the day and move on. Near Valentine’s Day itself, Wednesday 14th February, you need to figure out if you’re going to make a commitment and fully invest. Yes or no? It’s all very public and you can’t duck and dive. There is a question here about protecting, preserving and perhaps ‘insuring’ what or who is so special. I don’t use the word karma lightly, when I say your situation goes far back in time. Perhaps before you were even born. The eclipse on Thursday 15th February suggests you (or the other person) has a blind spot. There is a total inability to see what is there! Again, near Friday 16th February there is a lingering question about committing. Putting in the time, energy and effort. Crossing the line from inaction to action. If ever there needed to be a conversation, it is this week, particularly near Saturday 17th February when someone really could gain by seeing how much dormant pleasure rests, buried far below – and in the distance. If it ever erupted, what then? I dare say heightened awareness of your own image is a contributing factor near Sunday – you realise how public everything is. You are not just anyone. You are a Leo. The King or Queen. And no matter if you can remember or not, reach out and touch your own past, because you were born to rule over your heirs and spares, no matter what happened in the past. Near Sunday 18th February, you do need to look at how confusing and confused the situation has become. Sex and money, or sex and property, or both? You can’t really get away from it when Chiron conjuncts Ops in the dreamy, drifting sign of Pisces, but perhaps it’s time to explore and experiment. If you don’t, both you and he/she/this will remain quite stuck. This week could change so much but you’re going to have to change!
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Virgo: 12-18 February 2018
This is a week to slow down and calm down and make others do the same. Mars in Sagittarius sometimes turns up as a young man in a hurry who wants to explore, experiment and expand, with his particular concept or plan. If you come across someone like this, or you are someone like this, then the time has come to ground, centre and focus. In general, the mood is ‘Tally ho!’ this week and yet there is a fine line between immaculate timing and rushing it. You may want to keep an eye on that this week. I would say it’s high time that a concept, idea or plan was planted. It has tremendous potential. Yet, the question remains – where? This search for the right environment is very important, but there is only so much that can be done on the fly. Research can save a lot of time and energy. I am also aware of the eclipse you have in Aquarius this week, which rules your work, your university or college degree and your unpaid work as well. If you are typical of your zodiac sign this always leads you back to the pen or the laptop and so it’s worth remembering all the blind spots that come with an eclipse. I’m sure you know that people who stare directly at an eclipse usually end up at the eye hospital. It is also typical of an eclipse that one is ‘blind’ or even somewhat cross-eyed when it comes to proper direction. It’s like flying into the sun or driving with one headlight, a la Withnail and I. Again, given that the actual concept or plan is so rich in potential, I reckon you or somebody central to the whole deal, needs to find a way to time it right, while also acknowledging that there is precious little clarity here at the moment. This will pass. It will actually pass along with the Moon out of Aquarius, so about 2:41 am London time, early on Friday morning.
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Libra: 12-18 February 2018
You can’t really avoid talking about health, lifestyle, the body, fitness, physical condition – and the rest – when you have a stellium in Pisces like this. I am sure you know, if you read your stars regularly, that Pisces rules how you deal with the doctor, the gym, the drugs prescription and so on. We have a huge amount of the all-important asteroids alongside Neptune and Chiron in Pisces at the moment. If ever there was a case of ‘failure to see’ it’s this week. We have an eclipse which always obscures what is obvious. You know that phrase that begins ‘Blind Freddie could see…’ Well, Libra, this week it is very much about seeing that your head space affects your physical body and how it does or does not serve you at the moment. The key is that word ‘serve’ because you have to drill down very deep, to understand what a particular condition is doing for you. Did I say, ‘doing for you?’ Absolutely. The taxi-driver with a sore foot, has a dodgy instep which serves his ultimate purpose of not wanting to drive the taxi. I could go on. This goes way beyond the physical into issues like your state of mind; depression; anxiety. It can go into other mind, body and spirit related areas like ‘soldiering on’ and being stoic. Just putting one foot in front of the other, getting on with it, battening down the hatches and all the rest is your mind, speaking your body, speaking your mind. There is money there. It’s all potential. I’m not even sure if you know it exists, Libra, but it’s around the corner if you have eyes to see. You don’t this week, but what you can certainly do is get out of your habitual physical state – whatever that is – long enough to realise how you might otherwise operate in the world. This is all rather deep for an astrology column, but when I see Chiron, Ops, Neptune, Diana, Panacea, Aesculapia, Venus and the Moon all in your Sixth House of constitution, physical condition and routine – I have to be honest about what might actually be going on. Chiron was not a wounded healer. He was actually a part-time music teacher who was very good with herbal medicine. Panacea is just what you might suppose. She was in charge of ‘whatever fixes you’ even if that was a placebo. Aesculapia was the prime healer of Rome, where our modern astrology comes from and he could work miracles, to the point where you can still see casts of legs, wombs and ears in the British Museum today. Romans sacrificed effigies of their ailments to him. If you want to know more about these asteroids, part of our modern astrological family tree, hit Search. If you want to ask yourself some questions, and even just ‘Question everything’ then this is a good start, this week.
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Scorpio: 12-18 February 2018
When we have this much action in the sign of Aquarius, which rules groups, you’re not going to get through the week without dealing with the hive mind. I can see your ambitions and goals in the distance. However, before you even go there, you have to figure out how to make it work with a circle or community of people you are at odds with. This may be the Democrats. It may be the Republicans. It may be your board of management or your local Brownie pack. I think this really does come back to your particular ideas, concepts, plans, opinions and the rest. This is exactly the same for the others and this may include friends, former friends or even frenemies. (Frenemies being Nancy Mitford’s famous term for half-friends, half-enemies). What you are actually going through is the rare cycle of the Nodes in Aquarius (the group) and Leo (leadership). They say, ‘heavy is the head that wears the crown.’ Well, heavier still, is the head that lost a crown. You really are in that kind of cycle. Now, being a fixed sign, and thus rather fixed in your ideas and emotions, I would be astonished if you could just drop everything and make it work with these people. Yet, Aquarius is an intensely idealistic sign and we associate it with barn-raising. People power can do anything. The sisterhood is powerful. All that stuff. I know that you have an awful lot of healing, repair, rest and recovery to achieve before you can even think about meeting others halfway. And you may decide you are never, ever going to do that. Yet – you cannot get to the achievements without getting past the group. Look again and you will see just how remarkably similar your views and ideas are. Not the same. No, but similar – and isn’t that a decent starting point for an attempt at unity?
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Sagittarius: 12-18 February 2018
I am not sure if you know the Echo and the Bunnymen song, The Cutter. This seven-day period is about possibly cutting people out, cutting things back, or dropping an axe. This looks like it’s a week for chopping and changing. People or situations need to be cut out or at least sliced and diced – or so it would appear. The trouble is, the total lack of vision! We have an eclipse. An eclipse does what it says on the can. It obscures things. What should be bright, clear and complete is darkened, dim and incomplete. You have to wonder if it’s the correct week for anyone to decide to ‘slice and dice’ any situation, given the total lack of clarity. The partial solar eclipse begins at about 8.51pm on Thursday night, London time and it won’t really be over until 2.41am, Friday morning, when the Moon moves signs. This blind spot may be true for you. It may be true for another person who is absolutely central to your plans. How on earth can you play for time, when apparently there are people, organisations or situations on the march? I say ‘apparently’ with good reason. Please find out. There is a lot of assumption and guesswork here about the level of threat, or the need to be strong, swift and sturdy. This comes from that eclipse which is basically like operating blindfolded. I realise there may be a reasonable amount of risk here but do all you can to find out what is actually going on! Who is actually where, in this picture and what level of defense mechanism or attacking principle, is actually needed? Imagine how you and others would feel if it all turned out to be an illusion. Imagine, also, how it would feel to discover that what was being set up to fix a situation, was never going to be enough. Wow. Try to figure this pre-eclipse and then post-eclipse. During the actual eclipse, assume that for all the need to chop and change, slice and dice, cut, thrust and parry – when you, he or she cannot see what is actually going on – that is really no time to try and wing it. Unless you are absolutely desperate.
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Capricorn: 12-18 February 2018
You have a Pisces in your world this week or a Piscean type. What do I mean by that? He or she does not live in the real world. You have a ton of Pisces traffic in your horoscope, so you will be dealing with someone typical of the sign. Even if this person was not born in February or March, he or she may have a big Pisces signature in their personal birth chart. You have to enter into their world and join in or forget it. They cannot meet you halfway because they are not realists. They are not grounded. They do not really want to know what the real world is. Their whole life is a holiday from reality. Piscean types tend to be actors, singers, film-makers. They tend to be the people who use the internet or smart phones for virtual reality experiments. Sometimes you just get flakes. I am sure you know that in Australia flake is on the menu at many fish-and-chip shops. Well, the term ‘flakey’ was invented for the person you are around this week. He or she is front and centre. Attention must be paid. You also need to figure out how to use the situation. Do you want to take a vacation from planet earth? Great, get on board with this person. Are you absolutely stuck in the real world and have no desire or need to take a giant leap into La La Land? That is also fine, but this person still has something that could interest you. I realise it’s Valentine’s Day. Please if you are single, don’t break your own heart by imagining Mr. Dippy/Trippy/Neo Hippy/Flippy is actually another earth sign like you, and all ready for a mortgage and a baby, if the truth is – this person lives on a Yellow Submarine. Take him for what he is. Or don’t take him at all.
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Aquarius: 12-18 February 2018
We have this Aquarius-Leo pattern in your horoscope at the moment and so it’s really about the group (Aquarius) and the leader (Leo). It’s about the court and the King or Queen. The Democrats and the fraught question of leadership, perhaps. The Republicans and the fraught question of strangely spelled messages at 3.00am on Twitter. Aquarius, I am using American political parties to help you get the picture. This could, naturally, be any group at all for you. This goes into purely social situations in your own life, like your social media circle, and maybe the book group or the unofficial fan club situation. It also reaches into trade unions, football teams and the like. To date we have had no action at all with this Leo-Aquarius split in your chart. Now, we have the potential for action. Will it happen? I really don’t know. It depends on how much you want to make this real. Because, Aquarius, if you did want to see some massive change with the King or Queen, the Prince or Princess, it could really happen. You would just have to pop it into being. I am sure you know that our universe is basically about unpopped realities. Well, if you want to scatter the group, split the ranks and really see how much unity there is – versus how much desire for space and freedom – this week could be your moment. You could also walk away. You could seriously shrug this off as mere potential and do other things. One reason I think you might be tempted to convert imagination into reality, is ambition. One look at your horoscope and you see all kinds of goals, from very high, to medium-achievable. This ambition will be there until November. Right now, as you go into the middle of February, the loaded question of who gets to be King Henry V or Queen Elizabeth I will not go away until you have either a) seized the day or b) walked away, Renee.
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Pisces: 12-18 February 2018
You need to rest, repair and recover and then you can move on. Some things are just water under the bridge. You are getting close to that point, Pisces, but you do need to understand how important it is to have time alone. We have a lot of astrological patterns in Aquarius, now, which is one sign behind you. This is associated with your life behind the scenes. It is also associated with the secrets you keep, and your own inner state of mind. There is no way you can go out to dinner and be fully involved, or accept party or other invitations, this week – not without faking it until you make it. You actually need to go deeply within, so that you can ultimately come out again and sort your emotional life out. We have an eclipse this week, and an eclipse is always a blind spot. You are honestly not seeing one or two really special and precious relationships in your life. They are solid gold and they are right behind you. One or two people have your back, as they say and you’re not even recognizing that! I hope you do. It would help you make better sense of two or three other emotional connections which have fallen by the wayside. You are really responding to your horoscope timing quite sensitively now, which means you won’t act until you feel ready. There is no point. You have to feel like your old self (in a way, you have to come ‘back to yourself’) before you can deal. Until then, there’s no point. What I would like to point out, apart from the one or two really precious people you’re not recognizing – is the power of a group. When the time is right let this group carry you to a better place. To say the future looks full of tremendous possibility is the understatement of the week. There is so very much to explore and experiment with. This may be a club, team, political party, trade union, secret society, band (or whatever) but remember that is there as well. And it will transport you.
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