Your Weekly Horoscope for February 5-11

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 5-11 February 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 5-11 February 2018

An eclipse is always a cover-up. Here are a few things which happened on January 31st, 2018 on the Total Lunar Eclipse, or Super Blue Blood Moon – Mark Salling (Glee) passed away, apparently from suicide, following the previous sad loss of Corey Monteith. Salling had been caught up in a child porn scandal. In Australia, hundreds of top-secret documents were discovered in a filing cabinet, in a secondhand store. In China, British PM Theresa May visited the country’s partners in the Hinkley nuclear site, which was itself begun on a previous eclipse. And in the United States, Mueller looked at a story put together about a Trump Tower meeting involving Russia. What I love about this photograph, passed along Twitter, of Australia’s filing cabinet scandal, is that the ASIO staff taking it all away even have eclipsed heads.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 5-11 February 2018

There are two stories this week. The first concerns a sexual relationship, children or the world of young people as a whole. This is where you slowly start to complete karma from years ago. For that reason, the whole episode may feel familiar – like a replayed song on different instruments. There may even be the return of an old face or name. There is a necessary compromise here. The power or control needs to be shared. It will take months. Try to move gradually towards a balanced outcome that you, he, she or they can live with for many years to come, even if this is the first step on a long journey. Aries, the second story this week concerns the group. This is a case of pooled resources, or pooled talent and although you are all extremely different, you are together for much the same reasons. A circle of friends or a community organisation would be a typical example. What you create together now, you can return to – for far more important reasons – from Christmas 2020. I can’t emphasise enough how important this collection of people is, to your destiny, especially from 2023. All the more reason to take advice, enjoy what comes naturally, articulate so clearly what you are thinking and feeling, build the individual friendships and understand that nothing is wasted at the moment. Nothing will be forgotten. Everything counts. This applies if you are in AC/DC or part of the Fashion Council. Put energy into this.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.



Taurus: 5-11 February 2018

This is the time of year when your career, unpaid work or life at university/college presents you with new faces, new systems, obvious gaps (following a departure) or different structures with clients, employers, fellow students, lecturers, colleagues and competitors. Your chart shows it. Taurus, the most important changes to your ambitions in the space of 29 years will begin at Christmas 2020 and from 2023 you will utterly transform your place in the scheme of things. That is why this week matters. Not so much in terms of the immediate ‘New Year/new roles/new goals’ sense. What you are actually being thrown here, is the very first ball in a very long game. Beyond the meetings, discussions or e-mails you actually need to look at your ideas about success and status and dig very deeply for some answers which will still make sense to you in 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond. Peering into the future like this can help you get the present in proper context. Also important this week – as you probably know – is your idea of what home should mean. This may be about your house, family, apartment, household, home town or homeland. You have a whole chain of compromises stretching ahead of you for some months, and although emotions are running high throughout, you also need to come up with a practical arrangement where he, she, you and/or they can share the control. There is no point in making this a power struggle. What would you do about this, if you knew that 2018 was the last year you had to sign off on it? What would you work towards this week, if you knew you were completing old karma?

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Gemini: 5-11 February 2018

The long-term future for your plans to travel, move, emigrate, export/import, study, teach, publish or write is here. In fact, life beyond 2021, and particularly beyond 2023, is front and centre this week. It would be a mistake to think that this week is just seven days – now. Your horoscope suggests that your current ideas about packing your bags, shifting locations, dealing more heavily with other regions/countries/nationalities, or pursuing particular goals with education or the book world – pull in the future. In fact, you may thank yourself in 2021, 2022, 2023 for all the long-term thinking you did this week. You will be shown a way to protect and guard what matters to you, or who matters to you. Take it. Gemini, the other story at the moment is about the worldwide web, multimedia, public speaking, writing, publishing and other aspects of communication, maybe involving a microphone or megaphone. I don’t need to tell you that since September last year, you have been making one compromise after another. Either particular people, or the world as a whole, has been making it very clear that power cannot belong solely to one face, and that control has to be shared. After June, this long stretch of hard work will be over. This week, it matters that you do your level best to get it right. I am sure this is all an intensely emotional matter for you or somebody else, but if you can raise your sights high enough, and far enough, to see that you all/both must co-create something which works for all the stakeholders, you’ll be achieving gold medal karma. In fact, this situation is entirely karmic in nature, reminding you of what went down a few years ago – and also, giving you a chance for total closure in November.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Cancer: 5-11 February 2018

Cancer, the long-term future of your business interests, house, apartment, company, shares and the rest are being created at the moment. This week is not just about the next seven days. It is really like laying the foundations for a completely different era in your finances, which begins in 2021, 2022 and begins to transform your life from 2023. Of all the 12 signs, you are most likely to engage with cryptocurrency and the new trade/new banking/new global economy – which will begin with a bang, in May 2018. Perhaps you are already there. Maybe it is just a point of vague interest at the moment, but the better informed you are this week, about the rapid development of cryptocurrency – including Ripple – the better off you will be, quite literally, in future. Bringing your horoscope back down to the basics of money, rent, the mortgage, salary, possessions, insurance, tax – and the rest – let’s talk about compromise. Ever since September last year you have realised that you’re going to have to ‘trade’ over everything you own, earn or owe. You can’t control it. At the same time, you can’t let people totally control it either! I would describe this as the new Cancerian budget, or new Cancerian economy and it takes months to figure out. Do stick to your values. What you will and will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be priceless. As I mentioned, you are laying the foundations of 2021 and beyond this week. All the more reason to commit yourself to sharing the reins, or letting he/she/they access the joystick. You actually have no choice. And you also need closure on what went down karmically (debts or credits with other people, or the universe) some years ago. Is that too much for a weekly horoscope? Are you kidding? This goes way beyond the numbers; Cancer and it stretches into the core values that your lifestyle and security for the future rests on.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Leo: 5-11 February 2018

Leo, ever since September last year, your image, appearance, name, brand or profile has been at the core of questions about control. Do you control ‘you’ or does someone else? Maybe you feel the world at large – the universe – is dominating how you are seen and how you appear. What if I was to tell you, that this goes on until June? What if I was also to tell you, that after 2018, the whole question of your look, or your reputation, or your title will never again be drawing such huge amounts of time and energy? At least not until 2026! Perhaps this makes your year easier, knowing that you can at least set a deadline and give it your best shot. Try for now through November 6th, at the end of the year, and try to leave ‘Me’ in the best possible place. This week is part of that process. Give and take is essential, because you can’t be the boss of you – strangely enough – but neither can anyone else. You, he, she and/or they must agree to matters of image or profile, in a way that suits everyone. And if you are tussling with the universe regarding your appearance, title, name or reputation? See why you can’t be a control freak. Leo, the really big part of your prediction I have left until last. It concerns the person on the other end of the scales. Probably your former, current or potential partner. Maybe, someone who is against you. Did you know that you are setting up the future? Your life in 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond will owe a lot to the choices you make about this person now. Take your time and take good advice. The business of partnership, no matter if it is professional or personal, has inspired everything from self-help books, to songs, to poems. Much as you’d like to play it by ear, you could actually use some wisdom and insight. This also applies to feuds, rivalries or battles. I can see the handy asteroids Minerva and Hygiea in your chart. Please do use this week to get excellent advice, discover answers and make some plans to protect who or what you care about most, in the years ahead. This person – on the other end of the scales – is at the absolute heart of it all, but the issue goes much wider, into how to live a balanced life.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Virgo: 5-11 February 2018

If you are typical of your sign, then your working day, food, sleep, fitness, drink, drugs, doctor, housework – the routine – describes you, more than it does most other human beings. Born with the Sun in Virgo in the Sixth House of service, duty and the body, you tend to stand or fall by all those things. What happens when a whopping nine horoscope factors all pass through this zone of your chart? Essentially you find that seven days can influence seven years. Let me explain that. From Christmas 2020 you begin a new cycle, of at least seven years, when the shape you are in, the work that you do, the daily life that you lead – becomes all that there is. It’s going to transform you, and ultimately, by the choices you make, you are going to transform your own corner of the world. This week is about understanding the way your physical condition and physical state absolutely describes what others think you are capable of – and what you know you can actually do. It is looking beyond the body you were born with, perhaps, or the ‘condition your condition is in’ at the moment. Sir Winston Churchill ran on Pol Roger champagne and cigars during the war, wore a boiler suit and slept where he worked. Probably not your style, but he was experiencing a cycle not unlike the one to come from Christmas 2020. Thus, the discoveries you make this week, the discussions you have, the work you do on yourself (as well as on your regular tasks) all has a greater purpose. Peering into the long-term future is a very smart idea, Virgo. You will also need to look at the naked truth about yourself at the same time. Who are you, laid bare? What are you, beyond the body? If you really want to make inroads into these questions about duty, service and your physical condition, you’ll look at your unconscious mind, your chakra system, your aura and the very core of you, normally hidden from view.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Libra: 5-11 February 2018

The time has come to talk about children. About young people as a whole, perhaps – the generation which comes after you, or the generation after that. It is also time to look at sexual relationships which may (or may not) end in pregnancy. And sometimes these also lead to stepchildren, or adoption, or the mutual acceptance of nieces, nephews and godchildren. This week you are shaping the long-term future. There is a huge new story regarding children, the world of young adults and/or sexual relationships from 2020 and from 2023 it transforms you and your life. It never hurts to peer into the future and if you are reading your horoscope, you know that. What about looking at 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond, though? Your astrological chart suggests that is wise. It is also timely. The choices you make this week will put you on a very particular path, so make sure it is the one which takes you to life beyond 2021, just as you wish. What else matters now? Well, Libra, quite clearly the usual group or community questions. You may of course belong to more than one group. Ever since Ceres changed signs last September you have been asked to strike deals with the universe, or other people. It goes on! You cannot have total, sole control of the group, any more than you can pull the strings on a friendship all by yourself. It is interesting that the former leader of the Conservatives, David Cameron, and the current leader, Theresa May, are both Libran, like you. For them the issue is being played out in the party. For you it may be quite a different sort of circle of people. The issue is the same. This week, how can you plan a strategy until June (when this cycle ends) which will help to give you, and he/she/they, a decent amount of shared control, now that you’re all world-building together? I know emotions are running high. But – there is also an answer there.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Scorpio: 5-11 February 2018

The big changes to come with your house, apartment, family and/or household from Christmas 2020 begin now. It starts in a small way. Yet, no matter how much you might think this is about February 2018, or even 2018 – full stop – it is not. 2021, 2022, 2023 will be unforgettable for changing everything you currently think you know about your home, home town, homeland, family or household. It’s not a bad idea to think that far ahead and to sound out opinions from experts, as well as trawl the worldwide web looking for the way we’re all thinking, now. There are answers this week. There is also a way to protect the future – and it’s the future you should be thinking about. This rather intense period in your life is matched by the ongoing questions about control, in your career. This also applies to your unpaid work, or your course. Ever since last September you have been dealing with one, or several, stories all about the same thing – power. Everybody wants to rule the world. Every person, every department, every organisation, every industry. Or – you have been dealing with the universe itself, trying to put you in a position where you feel disempowered or out of control. Fear not, Scorpio, this is textbook astrology for the cycle you are in now. It ends in June. Until then, realise that once you reshape your ambition or position, it will no longer be such a big deal. In fact, from November 2018 it really won’t be the issue it has been, for years. All the more reason to get things right, then. You’ll need the mother of all compromises with other people, big companies or just the universe. Keep talking and keep dancing, because you’ll need to leave all this in good shape by November.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Sagittarius: 5-11 February 2018

Dealing with the worldwide web, multimedia, meetings, and the basic business of communication is a full-time task at the moment. In fact, the seeds are being sown for the future here, with a whole new era for you with your computer, microphone and/or telephone from Christmas 2020. Let’s start at the very beginning, though, and address this particular plan, project, course or idea. You have a couple of very wise strategies open to you this week and if you want to secure the future of the outcome – or just protect against x factors affecting things – you’re in a good place. You shine brightest when you are deeply embedded in the world of study, teaching, informal learning, languages, writing and publishing. In fact, the worldwide web was made for you. Take all that and start doing something special with it – you can never think too long-term on this cycle. I do realise that ever since September the whole business of travelling, moving, exporting/importing, learning, mentoring, digital or traditional projects has challenged you. It might help to know the challenges stop in June and until then it’s basically a slow compromise either with other people, large organisations or the universe itself. Is it worth it? Yes. You absolutely have to leave this trip, move, book, course, website, or other plan in the best possible place by November, so if you have to spend now through June playing give-and-take, why not? Emotions may have run high, or still be running high, but there is a win-win (or even a win-win-win-win) outcome up ahead if you can only put feelings aside and be practical about it.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Capricorn: 5-11 February 2018

It’s unusual to see not just one, but a grand total of 11 horoscope factors passing through your money zones. This is where you repay a loan or mortgage, sell your property, invest in a new income stream – and the rest. You’ve obviously been grappling with questions about control since last September, either because of one specific issue where power had a price tag (or lack of power) – or maybe because of rolling issues. In any case, Capricorn, you are now firmly on the road to a new era with your finances. In fact, it begins at Christmas 2020, unfolding for many years. You are actually setting that up now. This is like the first few bricks, in a new structure which will add layers and add-ons beyond 2023. You want to make sure you are getting the foundations right, which is why February is so important. This week is important too – in fact, if you look back on it, once you reach Christmas 2020, you’ll realise how much you were putting in place right now. Eyeing your chart, I would say you have the most to gain from looking back a few years and figuring out why a pattern is repeating and what you can learn from it. There are also one or two people around who have tremendous wisdom and insight. You can protect the future now, so go to it.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Aquarius: 5-11 February 2018

Aquarius, let’s talk about your former, current or potential partner. And let’s also talk about your rival, enemy or opponent, should that person be front-and-centre now. I realise you may be wondering when the compromises will end. You must feel as if you are constantly doing deals either with this person, or maybe a third party – perhaps the universe as a whole. Actually, you don’t have to wait that long. After June the strong emotions will no longer be there, no matter if it’s you who has been feeling all the feels – or the other person. That will come as a relief, no doubt. Until then, you do have to keep your gaze steady and remember how gifted you are at keeping feelings at arm’s length, when you have to. You function very well in and around groups for this reason – you know how to keep it uncomplicated! Well, try to apply this (now) with the situation now facing you, involving your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps with a feud, battle or contest, too. Beyond June itself, which is the last month you will have to strike so many psychological or emotional bargains, you can look forward to November as the final sign-off, of a long period in which the past has continually come back to haunt you. This may literally be a particular year or two, which has come rocketing back to remind you of particular memories. In other cases, it may be that you are seeing familiar patterns and themes from years before. In any case, just having that memory or experience helps you now. What else is going on this week? Well, a tremendous amount, if you think about your image, title, name, reputation, role, personal appearance, profile and the rest. There is no way you can’t think about it, Aquarius! And you may have no idea about this (yet) but from Christmas 2020, into 2021, 2022, 2023 and beyond – your reputation and look has seldom been so important. So powerful. So potent. To say this period in your life is a relaunch does not do it justice. What you get down to this week helps send you there. So, make even the small choices carefully.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.


Pisces: 5-11 February 2018

The really obvious thing – to other people – is both your workload and your physical state, or physical condition – this week. I am sure you will be pleased to know you are about halfway through a cycle of compromises and forced adjustments. You’ve been dealing with people politics at work, university/college, with your unpaid work – or housework – and perhaps it’s been bigger than just one person, and involved some vast organisation or department. Along with that, your own body has forced you to think about give and take. Pisces, I said these were the obvious things about the week and so they are. Yet, far more important, is the naked truth about yourself, which really does mean the person you are, when you are at your most exposed. This takes into questions about what is under lock and key at home, or in the safe, or in your will, or in your diary – or anonymous blog. It’s the kind of thing that – if anything were to happen – you might want shredded, or at least ‘managed’ in some way. Beyond that there are even deeper questions about your soul. Your astral body. Your spirit. That part of you which dreams or even slips between worlds. Perhaps you have a confidante you can trust with all this. It’s more likely that you don’t. Yet, you do have some long-term choices to make, Pisces, because from Christmas 2020 it’s this mysterious, unfathomable part of yourself which is front-and-centre. Maybe you already have an inkling of that. Maybe that is yet to come, but it is important that you know there are one or two useful solutions for you this week, regarding this fundamentally mysterious part of yourself and your life. Protecting tomorrow is not a bad idea at all, at the moment.

Premium Member? Please continue for Diary Dates and for your psychic Lenormand card reading for the week ahead. Thank you.

© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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2 thoughts on “Your Weekly Horoscope for February 5-11”

  1. “What I love about this photograph, passed along Twitter, of Australia’s filing cabinet scandal, is that the ASIO staff taking it all away even have eclipsed heads.”

    LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

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