Your February 2018 Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for February. See what this month looks like in the stars.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Aries: February

The Sun, Mercury, Venus and South Node are all in your zone of friendship and groups in February which is extremely unusual – we also have asteroids in the same space in your chart, so the choices you make now about these people will stay with you for months. There is karma at work here, either going back years, or into a past life you all shared together. A typical example might be an old army unit which comes back together or even a secret society from centuries before. What you create together now will also come back to you in years to come; take your time. The South Node will no doubt give you déjà vu about the band, the political party, the team, the club, the Twitter circle and so on. Perhaps you want to repeat yourself because it seems so easy – maybe you want to make a break with the past and do things very differently this time.

As early as Saturday 3rd February when Juno conjuncts Venus and the South Node conjuncts the Sun, you will realise just how much a friendship can feel like a marriage or being part of a network can make you feel as if you are wedded to the group. If you really are peering years into the future you should be considering 2021 when two mighty planets, Jupiter and Saturn will also slide into this same area of your horoscope. At that point you will be gazing back on February 2018 and realising just how much you were setting up in your life.

It may be time for you to look at one circle of people and ask yourself if you want to stay in the loop. The South Node, being karmic in nature, can sometimes bring back ancient patterns which you would rather leave behind. We are at a phase in your life when Uranus in Aries means ‘New year, new you’ and sometimes the rebirth or resurrection that comes, can only do so because you have been through some intense, transformative encounter with a group of people. One example would be the guitarist in a band who realises that the people politics he is dealing with, must necessarily force him to go solo, or even join another collection of players.

You may be strongly affected by a group outside yourself, even if you are not actually involved. In the whole framework of your year it’s not really that important, yet if you find yourself being pushed to the point of a necessary relaunch, perhaps some small part of you might have cause to be grateful one day. There is often a sense with the South Node that’s ‘what’s done is done’ and there is no going back. We do have a number of oppositions between factors in Aquarius, in your group zone – and Leo, the opposite sign – in February. Consequently, things may have to come to a head. A tremendous sense of self and ‘Me’ is likely to be the result and the most welcome sense of liberation once you’re truly ready to start again, leaving particular people politics behind you, as you venture fully into 2018. You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for details about the Aquarius and Leo patterns of February which may affect your personal chart. You can also look at your psychic Lenormand Card reading for the month ahead.

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Taurus: February

Taurus, in February you must decide how far to travel, how ambitiously to relocate – or how extensively you need to export your plans. We have an unusual line-up in the Ninth House of your chart, which is where you look at the possibilities across the region, but also across the world. The Ninth House is very much about distant horizons and also the need to trade ideas; knowledge; insights; concepts. You would be absorbing just as much as you are sending out, as this zone of your horoscope is about both learning and also ‘teaching’ in some way. Of course, this may be literal. If you actually are a full-time student, teacher or lecturer then the time has clearly come to make your move.

No matter what you do for a living, other faces in other places are calling you for another reason. We have a powerful pattern cutting across the ‘home and away’ axis of your horoscope. There are some major questions here about how much your home town and homeland serve you. Can your ideas, knowledge, expertise, qualifications or projects grow and flourish where you are? It is for this reason that so many Taurus people will be looking at a new house or apartment in a new place – or at the very least, a great deal more time on the worldwide web, where you can travel in the mind. The web is certainly the fastest and most affordable way of reaching out to other locations, where you may well find the fertile conditions you are looking for.

I mentioned the ‘home and away’ axis of your chart because it is also very much about your ambitions to have more, do more and become more. None of this is possible in your current location. There is a sense of yearning showing up in your February reading. You are yearning for a bigger, wider world – (to quote The Go-Betweens) and unfortunately, home turf is not providing what you need for those plans with so much potential. It would be a waste to let particular ideas come to nothing, purely because you had not explored the possibilities in (for example) Europe, the Americas, Australasia and so on.

The Nodes suggest you have done this before, years ago, or in a previous lifetime. An odd sense of familiarity about the issues, the places or the people may linger. This is typical of the North Node and South Node cycles in Aquarius and Leo and you may well be returning to life themes you have dealt with in another incarnation – or this one. You may be reminded, for example, of the moment that you had to leave home to make it in the big, wide world. Perhaps you had to leave university life in your region or country to move to another nation. One thing that I think might spur you on, Taurus, is the need to hurry up. This is not really what you are famous for. Taurus is the settled, steady, stable bull who takes his/her time. Unless you do something quickly, though, the competition may get ahead of you – or you may miss out on the action. Even more pressing is the need to nurture your one, two or three most important plans before they start to lose potential. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

If you are a Premium Member you may have Aquarius or Leo factors triggered in your chart this month so, please take a look. I also have your psychic Lenormand Card reading for February.

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Gemini: February

If you happen to work in academia, publishing, education, religion, travel, export, foreign affairs, multimedia – or other big picture areas, ruled by Leo and Aquarius in your horoscope – there will be a change at the top this month. Of course, if you are the man or woman at the top, that shift may well involve you! In other cases, this may be a C.E.O. or employer. Much depends on how potential is turned into delivery. You have Neptune in your Tenth House of ambition, mission and position at the moment. Neptune tends to produce ‘possible’ rather than ‘actual’ until there is a practical plan in place, to do something decisive about what is on offer. Ambition is certainly in the picture at the moment. In fact, as we move into March, the Sun will be in Pisces, also in the Tenth House of your horoscope, which we associate with your personal peak of achievement. There are major questions building here about where you fit in, how you can make it – or how you can hang on. I should add, as you may know, ‘The word is mightier than the sword.’

Gemini, in addition to this flurry of activity at the top (and if your family is your job, it may involve the head of the household) we also have the group to consider. The way a group functions as a whole has been an education for you in recent years. Now, in February, as Uranus also begins to build in importance, there is an emphasis on space; independence; freedom; autonomy. People may be scattering or at least looking for their own place in the grand scheme of things. Once again, this is all potential until it is realised. It would not take very much for there to be a switch at the top, though, and a resulting ‘scattering to the four winds’ of others in the group, as everything changes in the blink of an eye.

As so many Gemini people work – or aim to succeed – in areas where their way with words, images and ideas is central, February is crucial. An unusually high number of factors in the sign of Aquarius, which rules your ability to communicate and connect, emphasises your chosen field in life. Your calling or vocation may be different to your actual job (if you are a part-time blogger or songwriter, for example). In other cases, you have clearly made your job your own, in terms of using it as a showcase for your flair for sending a message.

Sooner rather than later you are going to have to figure out just how much you want to turn a vision of the possible future, into the reality of ‘here and now’ and take action. Of course, you can do nothing, and nothing will ever happen. Yet – there is something about your chart this month that suggests you want action. You want life to move on and you relish the challenge of moving on, with it. March is calling you with its central question – what does success mean to you, how can you achieve it, and how can you hang onto the peak? . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Gemini, if you are a Premium Member please keep reading for more information about the Leo and Aquarius patterns of February as this may affect your personal birth chart.  Your Lenormand Card reading also follows.

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Cancer: February

A small but substantial amount of money has to be handled as effectively as possible in February, no matter if you are paying out, or collecting. You currently have the South Node and North Node both in your zone of taxation, business, salary, credit cards, mortgages, bills and the rest. The Nodes are about karma and so this transaction is far more important than might first appear. In fact, the Node cycles repeat over a period of many years, so what you are dealing with now may have long roots.

Cancer is an emotional water sign and so it’s really not a surprise to see that this matter is deeply personal for you. It goes beyond the actual dollars, pounds or euros. I mentioned that this matter may have longs roots. Stonehenge is an ancient site which may well have recorded the cycles of the Moon’s Nodes, which shows how much they mattered in times past. In India the Nodes are known by different names but are linked to reincarnation and to debts and credits which carry over lifetimes.

Should you be on the receiving end of money in February then cast your eye at what is possible with work and property. Even a small amount could go a very long way if you plan to do something about your home, home town or homeland. Maybe you have your eye on sowing seeds for the future, in terms of your business interests or profession. A typical example would be re-investing money back into the company.

If you have to pay up, or pay out, then try to do this as best you can and then be on your way. It is quite true that the Nodes tend to come back to us as well as show us what has been – so you need to be very careful about ignoring a debt. As I mentioned before, you are an emotional water sign, so this goes beyond the actual price into the things that money cannot buy!

If you have a feeling of déjà vu about February it may well be true. Perhaps you are dealing with a transaction, debt or payment that was never resolved years ago, or lifetimes ago. It is quite common for people to agree - as part of a soul contract – that they will meet at some appointed time to resolve what was never cleared on the balance sheet before. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Please read on for more about your month, as we have Leo or Aquarius patterns which may directly affect your chart. I also have a Lenormand card reading for you which is a potent psychic tool to use, to unlock the month ahead.

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Leo: February

Leo is the sign that we associate with children and young people. It is really about the schoolgirl with her hat and satchel, but also about the young man who is just starting out at university or college. Leo is the King who rules the young, and the Queen who guides them. You can do this if you are a parent or not. Your son or daughter may be the focus in February or it may be other people’s children. In any case these younger faces are 20+ years your junior. Leo’s highest expression is to teach. This need not be formal. The children’s author J.K. Rowling teaches by entertaining. She also teaches by example.

It is also true that a much younger lover or friend can be the focus of your influence in February. We have a lot of activity in the First House of your chart, where you broadcast and advertise your true Leo traits. This is very much about leading. Commanding. Guiding. Inspiring.

One thinks of Barack Obama stirring audiences, even on Twitter, where he reaches millions. There is no doubt at all about Leo in astrology – it is the sign of the man or woman who must be listened to. None of this comes out of thin air, either. The fact is, ever since Uranus entered Aries in 2011, Leo, you have spent around eight years developing your skills and abilities. This is the end of a cycle which has brought you to a very high level in terms of your broad knowledge and understanding. In fact, you have reached the point where you are virtually a channel for something bigger than yourself.

Uranus is associated with brilliance and white-hot, crackling energy. This comes from its long association with lightning and, from 1781, electricity. When we see a planet like Uranus entering his final year in Aries, in your Ninth House of learning, training, knowledge, mentoring, guidance and gurus – it’s special.

The fact that we also have a stellium in Leo in your First House of ‘Me’ suggests it’s time to be upfront. You are what you know. You know who you are. This is an important month. Some months come and go, but February is a real turning point for you.

We also have a large pattern in Aquarius, your opposite sign, which rules your former, current and potential partners in life. There is space here for the Flowers of Romance. For the Cup of Love. It’s not the whole story but it looks like part of the picture and any gesture you make now – as Saint Valentine’s Day comes along – would have particular resonance and meaning. It might be more poetic or profound, perhaps, than usual. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Please read on to see if your personal birth chart is specifically triggered by factors in Leo or Aquarius (your own Leo Sun may be affected). I also have your Lenormand Card psychic reading for the month ahead.

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Virgo: February

We have a rich, fulfilling pattern in the zodiac sign of Aquarius this month, which will affect you (if you have Aquarius factors in your personal birth chart) and very likely affect your friends, or others in your group. There are rich pickings here, socially, but also in terms of genuine camaraderie and sisterhood or brotherhood. The phrase ‘the fruits of your labour’ springs to mind so this may be a work project which has involved you all as friends, or an unpaid goal – perhaps for a charity, or for something recreational, like a ukulele orchestra – which absorbs you.

Aquarius is the zodiac sign associated with the community. From this sign we get the idea of communal baths, or communal housing or a community garden. The word itself is very old and in Ancient Rome, the Aquarius was the water-bearer. Thus, the famous figure with the urn on his shoulder. I am sure you know that without an Aquarius on tap (excuse the pun) there would have been no Roman Baths. Those baths were the central gathering-place for all classes, genders, ages and races in Rome and in her outposts, like Bath in England. Not only did people get in the pool together, they also played games there, said their prayers and did business. Even today your local swimming pool with all its yoga classes and water polo is the modern version of what Aquarius, the sign, is all about.

You are all different but united this month. Together. If this was a political party, you would have to say, ‘job done’ but the reward is ever richer because the emotional bonds are so powerful. If this was an all-girl band like L7, Bananarama, The Slits or The Go-Gos, you would have to call it a hit, with champagne. It’s also so much like ‘We Are Family’ (I’ve got all my sisters with me). And of course, ‘Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves.’

Aquarius rules your zone of productivity, effort, service, hard work, duty and day-to-day growth. You all have every right to celebrate what you are achieving. You know those team-building exercises they have in large corporations, where everyone is sent to paintball parks for the weekend? Real people don’t need team-building exercises. They have real friendships, as you do this month and achieve real results! Try to see what you can all create for the future as well. A big, big part of your combined success is space. Understanding just how much wiggle room to give everyone is crucial. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Virgo, if you are a Premium Member please keep reading as I have your Lenormand Card for this month, adding a psychic angle to your forecast. Your personal birth chart may also be triggered by the Leo and Aquarius patterns so please take a look.

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Libra: February

It’s all about the world of children and younger people in February, Libra, but you personally need a long spell of restoration and recovery first. Let me explain – you have an unusually large pattern in Aquarius, the sign which rules the next generation after yours. What we have here is a memory or a possibility. This may be your son or daughter when small. It may be a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage or termination. Perhaps it is the potential for you to adopt; have children of your own; take on the responsibility of children as a whole. Teachers may hark back to an old student and children’s authors may be thinking about a possible future project. I am sure you can see that the actual outcomes in February are as distinctive as your own (very) personal life.

Everything is potential and possibility, memory or impression – until you reach out and make it real. I would say there is something rich and colourful there. It may be dating from a great tale of myth and legend for you, going back years. Perhaps it is what might be – if you wanted to actualise it. If you were 25 I would say this was about a five-year-old. If you were much older it might be about parenthood, as it once was, or as it might be again.

One can parent in many different ways. Beatrix Potter was child-free but treated her husband’s young relatives as her own. Far more importantly she left vast tracts of the British countryside to future generations in her will. She is a beacon for young readers today who are drawn towards Peter Rabbit.

I mentioned rest, rebirth and relaunch at the beginning of your forecast. You need to come back to yourself. Some Libra people are exhausted by divorce or separation, begun at some point after Uranus (radical change) entered your zone of marriage, partnership and break-ups in 2011. In other cases, you have been dealing with the hurly-burly of dating and yet this key question about children or stepchildren still remains.

This is a physical thing! You also have the Sun about to enter your Sixth House, which rules the body. In fact, it connects mind, body and spirit together. One affects the other. You really need to go quite deeply into the subconscious mind in February and try to fathom the unfathomable. How do you create your world? This is not some dippy New Age tomfoolery. Science tells us, we actively select our universe, because we live in infinite universes. Everything is potential; possibility – until we make it so with our minds. Our beliefs.

Becoming more conscious of what might be, with the world of children and young adults, could alter your life this year. No doubt about it. However, to get there from here – wherever you want ‘there’ to be – you truly need to take time out. Meditate. Dream. Analyse your dreams. Repair. Recover. Rest. I am sure that Shakespeare’s ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ have pierced you to the quick since 2011 when the Uranus in Aries cycle began.

I only have to cast my eyes around to famous Libra people to see what having this planet (an agent of revolution) has done, not only in terms of partners, but also in terms of enemies. We’ve seen Prime Ministers step down under furious opposition. We’ve seen the happily married actresses in our films, go through divorce and quite surprising remarriage. We have seen couples deal with quite revolutionary change in their partnerships, no matter how long they have been together.

The Seventh House, which rules partners, also rules people who are against one. Enemies, foes, rivals, opponents, fierce competitors. Judging by your chart, this is long-gone. Ancient history. Hatches have been buried, and all that. Yet – still – if you are to reach for what might be, with the tender world of younger faces – you really do have to spend February in the deepest kind of physical, spiritual and emotional recovery. Call it The Restoration. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for information about your Lenormand Card psychic reading and also the transits in Aquarius and Leo this month which might personally affect your birth chart.

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Scorpio: February

Scorpio, this month is all about travelling, relocating or feeling at home with distant places on the worldwide web. We have major transits in Aquarius which rules your house, apartment, holiday home or hotel. At the other end of the scale we have transits in Leo, which rules your place in the world. Your ambition to have more and do more. This is an important month when a high percentage of Scorpio people will use their knowledge or qualifications to transport them. It would not be surprising to hear that you are on your way to another city or even another country with some rather powerful knowledge under your belt. As you may know, your ruler Pluto is currently in the horoscope zone we associate with communication. Your way with words, images or ideas may be the fuel for the trip ahead, no matter if it’s a head trip (a website) or a real trip (you may be looking at another location). Professors or politicians will take lecture tours or publish. Students of life, or students, may feel the call coming from somewhere where they are considered to be quite exotic creatures!

Pluto has been in your Third House of communication, information, education and ‘translation’ (whatever that means to you) since 2008. Thus, you are coming up to almost ten years of vast experience. This may necessarily have involved religion, spirituality, philosophy, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, astrology (all the ‘ologies’) for many people born under your zodiac sign.

There comes a point at which you have to find out more in a practical way, by literally moving or transporting yourself; perhaps even emigrating. There also comes a point at which you can’t just contain this stuff. It has to be put out there.

Locked into this question is the broader issue of where you belong. I mentioned your house, apartment, holiday home or hotel at the beginning of your forecast. Can you feel at home anywhere? When is it time to pack your bags or even your wooden crates? Patric Walker used to say, ‘Let distance lend enchantment to the view’ and you could easily do that this month. Or, let’s face it, enchant the views of others who have a window into a different world, thanks to your absolute certainty about bringing all that you are, and all that you know, to an audience which you believe needs to be astounded. Amazed, even. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Scorpio, are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for your Lenormand card, which will give you a psychic angle on February. Diary dates also follow for your personal birth chart which may be triggered by the Leo and Aquarius patterns ahead.

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Sagittarius: February

We have a large pattern in Aquarius, which rules groups, in February. Aquarius is also the sign which rules communication and negotiation skills for you. The challenge over the next four weeks will be to meet others in the middle. The irony is, you are all on the same page. Your plans, ideas or opinions are remarkably similar.

Understanding (and making others understand) that nothing is going to flourish without co-operation is the key. You actually have to come back to yourself with this one, though. You have only very recently come out of the long Saturn in Sagittarius cycle when various concerns about yourself – your image – had to be factored in. It may have been fear of public speaking. Anxiety about how you looked. Maybe there were issues about who you actually were, as a human being! In an age of Selfies and Instagram and other deeply superficial technology, it’s all too easy to be caught up with over-concern about how one looks, or seems, to the world.

There is a bit of a hangover in February possibly because you also had Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius for such a long time as 2017 ended and 2018 began. Now is the time to break through. Try to get back to the ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ idea, which is an old tenet of philosophy. You all obviously want to plant your concepts, qualifications or opinions somewhere so that 2018 can be rewarding – not a dud attempt.

Nothing is ever going to happen while you are on opposite sides. Yet, Sagittarius, so much begins with yourself. You need to ground. To centre. To focus. To deal with your own hesitations about yourself. This means releasing some old fears from 2015, 2016, 2017 and about time too.

Strategy is your friend. Taking the whole thing apart with this club, team, band, political party, charity, Twitter tribe – or whatever it is – means stopping to see how you are going to bring everyone together in a useful space for communication.

There seem to be some issues here about where you stand or where you belong. This may be literally about your home, home town or homeland as you have Neptune in this zone of your chart and things may be all over the place in this respect. Perhaps it’s time to choose. To take a stand. To know where you truly are!

Groups which give other space are a good bet. This one can and already is. The problem is the lack of connection and good communication. Rather than feel as if you constantly have to be on the attack or defence you may want to spin a different strategy.

Are you a Premium Member? Keep reading for your psychic Lenormand card. If you have Aquarius or Leo birth chart factors, you also need to read on as your personal horoscope is triggered.

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Capricorn: February

An unusual pattern in the sign of Aquarius in February reminds you that supplying the group or community with what it needs, can change your life. It also obviously changes those you are supplying or feeding. If you are typical of your sign it is very likely that you have at least one chart factor in Aquarius, so being the ‘water bearer’ for the communal pool of energy comes naturally. This is likely to be triggered in February. Aquarius reminds you of the special circle, band, charity, team, club, unit and the rest. As we have oppositions between Leo and Aquarius this month there is also a tale to be told of a round circle with a King or Queen. A band with a star. A political party with a brilliant face. An ensemble cast with a genuine Hollywood bigshot. The truth is, though, without the cast (or the band) the star is nothing. It’s really a co-dependent relationship. And you may decide that you want to shine in and around these people this month, or happily give the group what it needs, so that the brightest/most brilliant can do what comes naturally. There is something deeply fulfilling and refreshing about being the water-bearer. At the moment you also have Jupiter (benefits, gains, rewards) in your Eleventh House of communities and circles, so the message is hammered home. To get the most from life look after what the group needs. Astrology comes to us from Britain, which in turn received it from Ancient Rome. The names for our horoscope factors are Roman – Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the rest. The Romans hung onto their famous baths when they conquered Britain and for them, an Aquarius was a water-bearer who helped supply the whole community. This is where this idea comes from. Now it is your turn. And what you supply could in turn, become bigger – so very much bigger. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Please read on. Your Lenormand card has a psychic message for you and your personal birth chart may also be triggered by these Aquarius or Leo factors, ahead.

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Aquarius: February

This month we have patterns in Leo, in your Seventh House, which rules your emotional security, sense of belonging, sexual and financial contracts (marriage and mortgage, for example) and your spiritual needs. Can one person really meet all this in one package? Well, perhaps. The fact is, never mind Saint Valentine’s Day – you have reached a point in your year when a solid gold relationship has to be the priority. It honestly doesn’t matter if you are giving or receiving. The precious thing here is the depth of the emotion and the trust in that too. It takes a great deal to ‘back’ real feelings in an age when trust is so hard to come by. We seem to live in a world of fake news, fake friends (on Fakebook) and the commercialisation of love itself is pretty fake. Yet, despite all this, the human heart beats ever more loudly.

Leo rules your Seventh House of emotional contracts and there is something rather noble (Leo rules nobility) about the act of offering up all one has to give. Even if the source falls short or isn’t exactly King Arthur meets Richard the Lionheart – or Queen Boadicea – it doesn’t really matter. There is something fulfilling here. Something to relish and appreciate. It’s the ‘something’ as much as the actual source that is the key to February.

I know that rejection is a reality when you are dealing with Leo transits because the Seventh House is very much about finding out the truth. Is this enough? Is he or she enough? Are you enough? One way or another, you have to find out. The other half of the equation is a mystery until the deed is done, and once the deed is done, you can move forward. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Are you a Premium Member? Read on McDuff.

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Pisces: February

Here we have a big pattern in Leo, in your house of workload, duty and service. This is really about the paid work you do, as well as the unpaid work. It is also about housework and gardening. We don’t often see so much activity in the Sixth House of your chart, which is about dealing with the realities of mind, body and spirit. I know you are the great escape artist of the zodiac, but there is no escaping how much you are carrying.

From 2015-2017 you had the great Saturn in Sagittarius cycle in your house of success, ambition, career and achievement. This was a huge ask! Basic fear may have made you take on too much. The classic example of this is the self-employed tradesman who over-books himself with jobs so that he can feel more secure in an uncertain climate. For whatever reason, Pisces (and maybe it is 2017 still catching up with you) February looks overloaded.

Pisces can live in her/his world of ‘other reality’ and be quite blind to what is going on. Maybe you are stumbling towards some kind of goal, be it a holiday, or a renovation, or a more impressive property, or emigration. Maybe it’s a new position or role. There is a great need here to actually clock what is happening. Auto-pilot is something you do rather well, going through the motions, while clinging on to what you imagine might be happening, or what you fantasise will come, as the result of your efforts.

Actually, you need to delegate. And if you can’t do that you need to set priorities. There is a great need here for the old ‘method and order’ and this rather random approach to getting on with all the endless e-mails, social media feeds, meetings, ideas, plans and deadlines is no substitute for a bit of ruthless organisation.

You might also want to weigh up the value of actually having a life (and having your body back) as you may be over-emphasising how little you matter (you being the robot or machine) at the same time that you are wildly exaggerating the purpose of your big end goal. This reminds me of the corporate mogul who cuts years off his life span by taking on too much, so that he can make enough money to enjoy a lavish retirement. It’s bonkers. . You can read more February predictions from me here.

Pisces, if you are Premium Member please read on for your Lenormand card and also key diary dates for your personal birth chart.

© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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3 thoughts on “Your February 2018 Monthly Horoscope”

  1. Hi Jessica,

    Happy February!

    I am Virgo Sun and I have Aquarius factors in my birth chart, however I personally feel that groups, friends are not that important to me. I would say I usually choose to be solo than involved into groups, work teams or community.

    I find it strange because Aquarius should be all about people, friends. Would you be able to help me with this interpretation?


      • Thank you for your reply, Jessica.

        However, mind/body/spirit axis is very important for me. I guess Virgo factors are working strong for me.


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