Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 1-7 January 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 1-7 January 2018
We have a Supermoon Full Moon in Cancer this week. Find out more about that in a special feature, Cancer Supermoon, with extended diary dates if you are a Premium Member – this week.
If you are curious about New Moons, Full Moons, Supermoons, Eclipses and Moon Signs, pick up the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide – HERE

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 1-7 January 2018
I am going to start at the end of your week and alert you to a red-hot opportunity to make or save money, as your ruler Mars meets Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, solutions and win-win outcomes. This is about cash, possessions, houses, business interests, charity or apartments and it’s really about carpe diem. Seize the day. The pattern unfolds on Sunday 7th January – allow a day or two. You also need to figure out the politics within your group of friends and acquaintances. Someone needs independence. It may be you. This is karmic, so you all share past life debts and credits with each other, from one or more lifetimes. Aries, we also have a Full Moon on Tuesday which suggests a moment of truth about your role, responsibilities, success and status. The hard work begins now. In fact, there will be a key meeting or document after 10th January with a resolution around 13th January. Do your research because serious times require serious decisions and this has a long-term impact.
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Taurus: 1-7 January 2018
A time of reckoning is here. Foreigners, travel, publishing, education, academia, religion or the web are all likely suspects. The Full Moon you see above the rooftops where you live is the sign. It illuminates, highlights and enlightens. It also seems ominous in some way. All this is correct, according to astrological tradition, and given that you are dealing with unavoidable truths now, or inevitable realities, you do have to weigh things up. You may (or may not) know about a keynote conversation or document on the way, but it will settle things in rather a decisive way, very close to Saturday 13th January. Taurus, if you do feel you have choices, and there is still time to decide, please find out as much as you possibly can about a foreign place or person, a distant region, a journey, book or website, degree or course. I am saying this because you will have to live with the outcome for a long time. What else is going on this week? Across the weekend, a substantial opportunity which involves your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps an enemy or rival. This will also have a long-term impact and as you only see things line up like this very rarely, you’ll be very tempted. This is a way out (an easy way out) or a way in (a way to involve yourself more deeply). Either way it’s a gift.
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Gemini: 1-7 January 2018
What a Full Moon. You can neither avoid nor evade the big question about your business affairs, finances, house, apartment, charity or possessions. You will need a practical plan to cover yourself for the time being, then over the course of the next two years, a more solid strategy. Forget the dollars, euros or pounds, though. Forget the actual property, possessions or business in question. The real issue is your values. What you will (and will not) sell out for. What (or whom) you consider to be precious, to the point of being priceless. Most of all, put a price on your own peace of mind. In the current situation you need to feel as secure as possible, so devote some time to structuring your world differently, this month. If you can’t put a price on freedom, integrity, self-respect, credibility, relationships and the rest – then factor that into your life budget. You really are going to have to live with what you begin, this month, for quite some time as on Tuesday 6th November the Nodes (karma) enter this same financial/material zone of your chart. Thus, 2019 is a time of reckoning up, as well. Get the best advice you can afford, but most of all, do your sums spiritually and emotionally. What are you prepared to pay and how much will it cost you? One final point. An opportunity to fix your lifestyle or vastly improve it will come your way at the end of this week or early next week. It will open up (as Jupiter always does) your daily workload, but also your mind, body and spirit balance.
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Cancer: 1-7 January 2018
Cancer, you are ruled by the Moon, and on Tuesday 2nd January it is in your own zodiac sign, opposite the great Sun, in the practical and no-nonsense sign of Capricorn. There is only one way to tackle what you are now experiencing with (or through) your former, current or potential partner. You have to roll your sleeves up, take a deep breath and apply yourself to the task at hand. Make no mistake, this really is a task and you will get through it, once you realise you are going to have to pace yourself. Cancer, sometimes this transit (Saturn through your Seventh House) is about your rival, enemy or foe. The Moriarty to your Sherlock. If this is ringing bells, more loudly than any question about partners, then you must also be utterly practical in every way. You are not the first person, nor will you be the last person, to go through this kind of situation. Do your homework and reach out to tried, tested and trusted advice. It takes more than a Full Moon to tilt the balance of the scales in your life, of course, and you are now at the earliest stages of a long-running cycle which will take you into 2020, believe it or not. Many, many people born under your sign are now going through milestones. Pregnancy, separation, engagement, common-law marriage, big choices about the children, divorce, marriage. Deep changes affecting a partner. Legal reality checks. Feuds or fights where justice and fairness deeply affects you. Your personal chart will tell you what the story is here, but even if you are just only aware of the fact that you are a Cancerian, it is very important to know that your best growth, fulfilment and biggest result this year will be with younger faces. Children or godchildren. Stepchildren. Younger relatives. A paid or unpaid work involvement with a junior generation. Trust that and lean towards it, like a sunflower leaning towards the Sun, when it comes – life warms up very close to Sunday.
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Leo: 1-7 January 2018
You are ruled by the Sun, as you probably know, so when we have a Full Moon and the Sun is clashing with the Moon, in opposite zodiac signs, you usually have some complicated situation to figure out. This time it is about your daily workload and your physical condition. Change one and you change the other – you know that after nearly ten years of living with Pluto in your work and body zone. This Full Moon, which you will see overnight on Tuesday, is really about accepting there is no perfect solution. It just does not exist. All you can basically do is choose what and who matters most and stick to it. I dare say that ever since Christmas, you have been living with new realities. You are in a Pluto cycle that can only happen every 240+ years. Now, the stakes increase. As ever, the answer is neither to avoid, nor evade. Neither to guess, nor to hope, nor to assume. The solution, Leo, is to spend January researching every single option available and then lean hard on the one strategy that offers the most support, for the least possible effort. This may be a person. It may be an organization. It may be a lifestyle choice or even a way of life. On a completely different note, if you don’t snap up the fantastic opportunity to have more, more more with your home, home town, homeland, household or family – then you’re nuts. It appears near the end of this week, or early next week and it will make a great difference to your people or your place.
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Virgo: 1-7 January 2018
We have the Sun, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn at the moment and you have never experienced that in your lifetime. If you feel as if large chunks of January should be given over to the world of children, lovers or younger people – you are absolutely right. These three major players in your horoscope are all in the Fifth House of your chart, where you lead, mentor and guide those born 20+ years after you. This may be a stepchild, godchild or your own flesh and blood. Perhaps the younger faces are there for work reasons, or unpaid work reasons. We call lovers into this category too, because of course, lovers can get pregnant, or have children from previous relationships, or bring godchildren/young relatives with them as part of the package. Lovers can want IVF or adoption or other choices – thus, we also call them into the Fifth House of your chart, where so much action is at the moment. Younger faces are the key. Give yourself a ton of time and space on the Full Moon on Tuesday 2nd January. You can double that message if your ‘job’ is parenting or if your work involves much younger people (teaching for example). You will have a decision to make or accept, probably in writing, before January is out. That will settle the matter and point you in a necessary new direction for 2018. It needs to make you feel as secure as possible – obviously – so figure out what does, or does not do that, right now. The Full Moon illuminates everything with its bright light. See what you see. Act later.
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Libra: 1-7 January 2018
Home is where the heart is, or it should be. An Englishman’s home should also be his castle, or it should be. There’s no place like home – apparently. If you’re a Tom Jones fan, then the Green, Green Grass of Home (Wales in his case) has great power. It is absolutely amazing how many songwriter focus on home, home town, homeland in their work. The Beatles sang about family, too, with She’s Leaving Home. Sometimes the issue on the cycle you are experiencing now is the family tree, or one particular branch and leaf. Normally you would zip in and out of this cycle in a month. The Sun would conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and that would be the end of it. This week, we have a Full Moon highlighting these concerns, reminding you that this is actually a month like no other, and you do have a very demanding decision to make. Whatever you agree to, or put up with, near Saturday 13th January (and of course, you may be moving that weekend, or moving a new flatmate in) should be researched. Do the homework, do the work, ask the questions, seek the expertise. Even if this is just a family matter, you know that others have been down a similar road before with their nearest and dearest, so there is a whole body of first-hand knowledge out there to mine, especially online, where websites be a godsend. One final point, and I have saved it until last for dramatic effect. If you act swiftly near Sunday you will make or save a lot of money. That’s it. Jupiter conjunct Mars in your Second House. Only happens once every 12 years. Boom! Nothing else to say. Libra, if you have Cancer elements in your chart this Full Moon may be personal.
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Scorpio: 1-7 January 2018
Having survived Saturn (so tough) in Scorpio for so many years, you are now experiencing the full delights of Jupiter in your sign. Take full advantage of the solution that appears near Sunday because it will make a lasting and welcome difference to how you appear, and how you look. Talk about an image-booster. Some Scorpios live to be vindicated. They just want sweet revenge and the moral high ground or upper hand – forever. Other Scorpios just fixate on controlling their image on camera, on television and on the worldwide web (that last one is notoriously difficult). There are other kinds of Scorpios and some of you could care less about being proven right, or looking fabulous. All creatures great and small born October-November are about to be thrown an amazing opportunity, though. It may fix something you care about. It may open up possibilities for yourself you had only ever dreamed about. What else is going on now? Communication issues. It may be physical (speech, hearing, writing). It may be high-tech (multimedia, the internet, microphones, smart phones). Take your time and do your homework because it will save you a lot of hassle. Suddenly, it’s harder work to be heard or read as you need to be. Find out what works. It may be tough but try to stick to it.
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Sagittarius: 1-7 January 2018
Sagittarius, this cycle you are in now, occasionally coincides with share market dramas, tax news or big changes in your chosen field – and this has a knock-on effect, with your shares or salary being affected. In other cases, you may be dealing with anything from an overdue tax return to a family legacy with onerous responsibilities. Normally we might say January was the end of it, but given that you have a ton of factors in this zone of your chart through 2020, there is far more to this month than meets the eye. Proceed very carefully and slowly. I am sure the Full Moon which you see overhead this week will motivate you to want more security, more reassurance, more answers – now. Yet, your horoscope suggests that not only will the meeting or paperwork not happen in any serious way until the 12th-14th, it’s also true that what you create in your life in January lasts for months. Even years, if we’re talking karma. Karma is of course the belief in debts and credits that last between lifetimes, or boomerang back after many years. As something like this unfolds next year for you that is all the more reason to take your time and take good advice when you are figuring out the money, the property, the charity, the possessions or the business.
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Capricorn: 1-7 January 2018
In the last eight or nine years, you have learned the most from one episode that went for a year, possibly two years, when your profile and image became other people’s property – or perhaps the property of something bigger and darker than that. The reason for this is Pluto in Capricorn, for the first time in 240+ years. You are now halfway through the cycle and you have learned so much about being the Master and Commander of your own ship – the one bearing your face and name. I am sure you have learned to sniff the air and detect the scent of power-trippers, control freaks or a trend that takes over. The fact is, the way you look and appear is (should be) your own concern. This is very difficult in an age when Facebook has one squillion users (or is Facebook using them?). Yet, Capricorn, as we go into January (the birthday month for so many of you) and a ton of action in your own sign, you have some new choices to make. There are some things about yourself you can take care of, and some things you cannot. There are some things you have learned about how you project, since 2008 - and some things you still need to learn. Save yourself time and energy by using this Full Moon to motivate your research. This is not narcissism. It is not self-obsession. It is not ego. It is a sensible, intelligent response to ‘Me’ issues which – for whatever reason – have become a growing concern since Christmas and must now be managed in a no-nonsense way. You know what’s on your side now? Your friends. The groups you belong to. In fact, very close to Sunday there is a stunning solution or opportunity, coming from a true friend or new friend. Say yes.
Aquarius: 1-7 January 2018
I will start at the end, and tell you that there is an opportunity waiting near Sunday, if you are ambitious and want to move on up, in any way. And now for something completely different! What lies beneath? If you were a sailor at my marina, I would say – anything from the wreck of the Titanic, to buried treasure from the Mary Rose. You find all kinds of things down there in the deep. Strange creatures and beautiful, fascinating aquatic life forms. People put their secrets in the sea. They dump things there that they don’t want anybody to know about. You also find that a great deal happens below the surface, with cables (communication) and also submarines (the military) that nobody ever really understands or sees. Aquarius, for the first time in your life, you have not only Pluto, but also the Sun and Saturn in this unfathomable area of your horoscope. When left alone we look in the mirror, or listen to our own minds, and have a completely different experience. When alone, other people are no longer there to act as mirrors, bouncing a certain image of ourselves, back to us. Beyond solitude, which brings to mind images of isolation tanks, or lone Channel crossings – there is an accompanied inner search at times like this. It may be with a therapist or counsellor. With a confidante, like a friend who can keep secrets, or a priest. Whatever you are exploring or uncovering, make sure you know the full extent of it, the size of it and the weight of it. Why? You will be carrying it for quite some time. If you are a scuba-diver, for example (and this transit is symbolized perfectly by Jacques Cousteau) then take great care with your dive, and also what you find down below. You have a ton of transits in Capricorn, one sign behind you, in the Twelfth House of your chart – through to 2020. This is about so much more than just a couple of weeks in January, because it will influence the tides and currents of your life for some time.
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Pisces: 1-7 January 2018
It will be many years before you get so much from travelling, moving, or embracing people from other countries and cultures. Strike while the iron is hot, then, and make the most of the stunning Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio on Sunday. There is far more to this than meets the eye. It is not just another spot on the map, another accent or another passport stamp. There are tremendous possibilities here to either absorb knowledge, or pass it on. This does not necessarily have to be through the standard way of studying or teaching (though it may be). Mars is associated with tremendous heat, fire, speed and action so I don’t think your offer, solution or opportunity will be subtle at all. But – you have to be quick, when it comes. What else is going on now? Nothing you haven’t guessed at, since Christmas. There is just no easy or fast way around the situation with the group and/or your friend. This may be an ensemble cast or a trade union. An old friend or a new chum. The combination of Saturn, Pluto and the Sun all in this area of your chart urges you to find out what works. If you have been asked to join a new group of any kind since Christmas find out the background story.
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