Your January Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for January 2018. See what this month looks like in the stars.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Aries: January 2018

The truth is, Aries, before you can move forward to a new chapter with your house, holiday home or apartment – you have to go through a period of adjustment. There is some healing to be done here, as you go into a new year. We have a Full Moon in Cancer, the sign which rules your sense of belonging and place in the world, on Tuesday 2nd. It may feel as if the path to a proper sense of home, home town, homeland, household or family is the archetypal Long and Winding Road, but actually, it is within reach. When you are ready, look and you will see that certain relationships can be repaired (if you think it is worth it) while there are others you are not even seeing. Your horoscope also suggests that particular groups or networks of people are a relief and a release. In fact, this could be the most important point of all about January. With Venus in Aquarius after the 18th of January, in the area of your chart which rules friendship and shared communal goals, the time has come to realise that you can all be in it together. Not all the time. But for just as long as you need. Your understanding of yourself, and your relationship with your own soul – the private parts of yourself that only your dreams reveal – could be greatly helped by a group in January.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Taurus: January 2018

Location, location, location. Sometimes the answer does not rest with any more discussion or analysis, the answer is just in another place. There are no guarantees here about what is waiting at the other end. January is really a Magical Mystery Tour, no matter if you are in transit yourself, or other people’s journey or relocation, strongly affects you. The truth is, the Full Moon in the sign of Cancer reminds us all that it’s the environment that matters. Sometimes it’s just better to find the one place on Google Earth that inspires faith. This is the first time in 29 years that a Full Moon in Cancer – the sign ruling home, home town, hotels, holidays homes, homeland, families and households – has occurred with serious Saturn at the other side of your horoscope. If 2018 begins on a practical note, it is because the only thing that is going to work here, is a long list of things to complete, and a pair of sleeves rolled up. The mood or atmosphere will lift. It always does. Meanwhile, there are tasks to begin thinking about, once you or a couple of key faces get to a destination. The fact that it’s all so unknown – a blank sheet of paper – should help you write a brand-new story, no matter if you are putting out a welcome mat, or travelling with bags or boxes.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Gemini: January 2018

The time has come to take your idea, concept or qualifications and either negotiate with people from other parts of the map, or actually travel – perhaps even move. You are ruled by Mercury the messenger of the gods, which is why so many Sun Gemini people feel at home with multimedia, the worldwide web, publishing, microphones and telephones. That’s all very well, but you need to collaborate with other faces, from other places – or perhaps export what you hold dear. We have a Full Moon in Cancer as the year begins, which is a zodiac sign linked to questions about environment. I’ve just been talking about this to Taurus, but for a different reason. For them, the issues are about feelings and emotions. For you, the issue is about your own ambition, curiosity and faith in your own plans. The fact is, if you don’t do something now, one or perhaps all your budding ideas could fail. The only thing I would caution is to do more research on the prospects in your own town or region, before you decide to look further afield. If, however, you are satisfied that you have exhausted all possibilities where you are, then you should not waste another minute. With dreamy Neptune in your house of ambition this year, some people might say that you are wishing and hoping on aspirations which are too far away, too unreal, too much like a film or television programme, a myth or a story. I actually don’t think anything less would satisfy you. There is a big part of you now, just longing to escape from the dull real world. True?

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Cancer: January 2018

Groups and friends give you what you want and need in January, Cancer. I am sure you know you are ruled by the Moon. We have what is known as a First Quarter Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus on Wednesday 24th January. Normally this would not matter very much, but it happens to be in the same zodiac sign which will be triggered quite dramatically in May, in five months’ time. So much is in store for you with this particular ensemble cast, charity, band, political party, community and so on. In fact, the future looks potential life-changing. At the moment, though, your First Quarter Moon, when the Moon forms a square with the Sun in sociable Aquarius, gives you the signs. Something you may want to ensure from the very beginning is that everybody in the group has plenty of space. There are always questions of ego and importance, of course, but perhaps there is a way to ensure that everybody has her/his turn at shining centre-stage. If this is not possible, or you want to consistently be the lead (while others are your back-up singers, so to speak) then you will run into problems. Taurus is a sign associated with productivity. It’s an earth sign which is about growth and abundance. So, there is more than a hint of this surrounding the group. You could all be quite productive together. If ever there was a time to understand how you function in a circle of people, though, this is it – know thyself and know them.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Leo: January 2018

If you want emotional fulfilment you have to reach for it and make it real, Leo. The areas of your chart which rule lovers, children and even purely spiritual relationships are loaded with factors in January. For some of you there is a new baby in the picture. In other cases, you will go to the next level with a former, current or potential partner. Some of you are less interested in close, personal relationships and far more moved by soul-to-soul connections where there is no sexual, nor family tie – but there is a rich supply of soul satisfaction. The thing is, Leo, you have to want this and feel you deserve it. Everything is potential until it is made possible by your own actions. You may need to negotiate. You may just need to reach out and make your intentions obvious. If you want a deeper, richer friendship (for example) then the other person has to know. The stellium in Aquarius, your opposite sign suggests that something special could come to pass with someone special, but as we know from quantum physics, everything is in Never Never Land until Peter Pan or Wendy comes along to make it all real. Another reason for the decided change in atmosphere, emotionally, is the departure of Saturn from your zone of parenthood and sexuality, after 2-3 very hard years.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Virgo: January 2018

In a world of ideas (and a worldwide web packed with concepts, plans, theories and notions) it takes a great deal of self-belief and ability to come first. Yet, victory is yours in January. This may be about your college or university qualifications. It may be about your website, book, multimedia commitments or similar. As you probably know, Virgo is ruled by Mercury the messenger of the gods. Gemini is the only other sign to be ruled by this planet. When you find success this month, as Jupiter passes through your house of communication, it is partly because of the seamless division between your personality, and what you are writing, conveying or pushing for. Virgo, you have had 2-3 years of sustained hard work with your homeland, home town, house, family, apartment or other definition of ‘home’ as Saturn has pushed you as far as you can go. Now, that cycle is well and truly over so there is also a sense of moving on. Your ruler Mercury will finish up the retrograde shadow in this area of your chart on January 10th so at last, you are in a position to leave 2015-2017 behind. With a Full Moon in Cancer I do urge you to keep an eye on some of the faces in a group (you need to identify individuals within the circle) as it’s always wise to be on top of the personalities involved. However – let nothing and nobody put you off a rather triumphant moment for your plans, as you’re clearly a person of conviction at the moment and that counts. Make sure you plant this rather special project or idea somewhere it can grow, thrive and prosper.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Libra: January 2018

The time has come to find a way to manage the money and probably the property which involves your family. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and he is in your sector of finance, business, good causes, houses, apartments and investments for the first time in 12 years. Last month Saturn also entered your sector of relatives, for the first time in 29 years. This all adds up to a very necessary conversation about who will receive, or give – and how that is to be managed between the generations. If you are a Premium Member and know your personal birth chart, it is very likely that you have factors in Scorpio which are being triggered now, especially if there is a legacy, will or inheritance involved. Whatever your horoscope looks like, there are some interesting questions about boundaries here. You are probably aware, if you are a regular reader, that you have a stellium transiting your Fifth House of children. This includes sons, daughters, grandchildren, godchildren, stepchildren as well as less personal involvements with younger people. The time has come to find out who fits in where, what works and what does not work – and why a younger face might need to be factored in with far more thought and care, than might usually be the case. It’s lovely to have so much abundance around you, and obviously one particular holiday home, apartment or house must be taken very seriously now, but there is a great deal to be said for organisation and management especially as the generations are so widely separated.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Scorpio: January 2018

If you want to save or make a substantial amount of money in January, then you have to reach for it and make it real. You are currently at the end of a cycle which can only occur every 29 years as Saturn has been in Sagittarius and had a powerful effect on your income, allowances, settlements, property value and the rest. Now, there is a useful moment of truth as early as the first week of January. Somebody may act as a go-between, bridge or agent in a situation, as Proserpina is involved, and she was the ‘lukewarm water’ between the fire and ice of her mother and her husband. It would not be a great surprise to hear that there is a three-part or three-way situation unfolding. I think I am the only astrologer in the public eye to use Proserpina but this powerful asteroid often tells us so much about the negotiation process. It is possible that there is a career or property story unfolding around this financial option. If there are any delays, it may be because one matter has been going back and forth for weeks, yet from January 10th the waiting game stops. From that point forward a deal can be struck or discussions can begin. You have another asteroid, Apollo, also in this same business, insurance, redundancy, shares, property, cash flow, banking zone of your chart and that’s worth taking seriously. Just as Proserpina is about the middle person, Apollo is about leading figures and there is a now-or-never moment waiting for you this month that you should take full advantage of. It may be that someone rather impressive is about to take the lead, or that you are drawn to those who are leaders in their particular financial, charity, business or property field. It’s all potential until you act, though. So, act!

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Sagittarius: January 2018

I am sure you know the phrase ‘Show me the money!’ and January is a little like that. To rephrase, ‘Where is the money?’ is probably more accurate. Some Sagittarians will be looking for missing funds. Others will be searching for an arts grant. Depending on your personal horoscope – particularly if you have Capricorn factors in your birth chart – you may be investigating corporate fraud. For the first time in 29 years, serious Saturn has turned up in your zone of insurance, banks, salary, and the rest. It is very important that you are all on the same page when it comes to figuring out a strategy. Before too long it will become evident that everything hinges on communication. If the communication is not there, because people are not connecting, then you need to look at that. Perhaps you just need a translator. Maybe everyone needs to find common ground with the paperwork or digital side of the deal. I do feel with Saturn (a symbol of delay) in the mix that you need to be a total realist about how long this is going to take. You also have Pluto (that ancient symbol of hidden and dark places) in the same zone of your chart so this could be quite the search. Raiders of the Lost Ark springs to mind. Sagittarius, anything and everything is possible, and I don’t think the money, possessions, assets or property is a myth and legend. Yet – you are going to need personnel, strategy and tactics and it’s going to take a bit of work. The Full Moon as early as 2nd January could make that pretty clear to you and the others involved.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Capricorn: January 2018

Capricorn, you are in an odd phase of the year, when your family tree and roots matter a great deal more – but you may have to put more effort in to reconnect. This is actually the final year that you’ll have major patterns in Aries, the sign that rules your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on. It also rules your partner’s family, if you blended them together. With Cupido and Uranus both circling the same position in your horoscope, there is a strong message about having so much space that you are entirely disconnected from what/who should be holding you and grounding you. You are an earth sign and you need to know that you belong in the world. After some 7 years of this cycle, when so much has changed with the family tree or your roots, it is understandable that you may feel as if you are in transition, even now. Capricorn, it would not take a huge amount of effort to come back down to earth and own where you come from. Remember you have a heritage, culture and history on one or both sides of your family stretching back through time and ‘the leaf does not fall far from the tree.’ I suspect that with an epic Full Moon in your opposite sign of Cancer as 2018 begins, you could be dealing with the most personal and emotional issues, but again – it all comes back to you, you, you. I don’t know if you are aware that you have Pluto and now Saturn in Capricorn, your own zodiac sign, in your image and reputation zone. Have a look at what you are advertising about yourself. What message are you putting across? This is the other big missing link if you have particular issues about your feelings as the year begins. There is a great deal to be said for shifting your position, altering your perspective and finding a different angle. In fact, it could get you exactly what you need, which is solid gold connections with other people and a true sense of place.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Aquarius: January 2018

It’s time to get real about what could be yours, Aquarius, as the dreams which surround money, houses, apartments, precious possessions and the rest will remain as dreams until you believe in them. You currently have Neptune with all his sea mist swirling around your Second House, which rules your lifestyle, security and property. On the 22nd of January Neptune conjuncts Ops at 12 degrees, which probably sounds like a foreign language, but if you translate – it’s about justified hope for the future all mixed up with the need to get real. As you might imagine, Neptune is about the ocean and it is a symbol for ‘goggle’ vision in the horoscope. The kind you get when everything is fuzzy and you’re not sure what you are seeing – or not seeing. It all comes back to self-knowledge. The interesting thing about your chart in January is that you are distracted by what might come to pass with the bank, or your home, or even the economy – but you are not seeing your own participation in what is going on. We have a ton of asteroids passing through Aquarius, your own zodiac sign, in January which could help with that. You are entitled to look inwards and think more about yourself when there is a lot of Aquarius ‘weather’ and it’s not ego, or narcissism. You really do need to step back from yourself and see who or what is there, at a distance, and the way in which your own fantasies, imagination, fears, prejudices, memories and the rest are affecting what is possible financially. This is not something happening to you, or ‘out there’ Aquarius. It truly is in your head and there is a lot of projecting going on, so ask yourself which slides you have in your projector – your mind’s eye – and if necessary, fix the projector and the slides! You could be richer this year. Bottom line. Make it so. You can.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

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Pisces: January 2018

A lot changes when a ‘heavy’ planet like Saturn also changes zodiac signs, and he did this last month. Now, you are entering a new year with brand new choices. Saturn rules structures, and the time has come to decide if you are going to rebuild a structure in your life, or walk away. It can sometimes feel as if everything and everybody will be in place forever. I am sure they felt like this at Dover Castle a few centuries ago. They probably assumed that both the castle and the good old feudal system and monarchy would just remain for all time, so fixed and solid did it all seem. Well, there is nothing like Saturn switching signs to deconstruct a structure in your life, Pisces. You will need to bring all your famous intuition and second sight to a situation which is likely to draw strong reactions from people who are reading it on the surface. It is sometimes hard to find anyone who likes change, and yet change is part of life. Look beyond this to the real question, which is not about the event – it is about the choice. With enough time, effort and energy anything can be reconstructed. The issue is, if it’s actually worth it. Is there truly a good, strong argument for going back and starting again? There is also an opposite point of view, which is ‘better the devil you know’ so that familiarity, history and a certain level of security are preferable to the great unknown. Pisces, this is where your intuition will help yourself or others. If there is to be a brand new chapter of exploration, risk and reinvention – then how might it work out? What’s out there, around the next bend? Sometimes people prefer to take the adventure and they count it as part of the exhilaration of being alive. Sometimes they feel the old structures were past their use-by date anyway! January is an important month. It begins the year and it will change your year and you have some big decisions to make.

Are you a Premium Member? There is more information about January which may have an impact on your personal birth chart, so please keep reading to see if you are affected.

© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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