Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 18-31 December 2017. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 18-31 December 2017
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Are you based in the US? I'm joining my friend Kyra Oser on her radio show and podcast in Los Angeles in January to predict 2018 and answer any questions you have about the book. Enjoy this fortnightly forecast until then. Merry Christmas!
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 18-31 December 2017
This is an unusual Christmas. The Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn, passing through the area of your horoscope associated with your career, status and success. I am sure you know Capricorn is the mountain goat who climbs to the top and then tries to stay there. You may be looking at yourself, or others, and seeing pure 'goat' at the moment as you are clearly all in the zone for reshuffles, and there will be an awful lot of climbing, clambering and movement up, down and sideways soon. The actual discussion or paperwork won't appear until January 12th, but it will be finished by the 31st, so you can go into February with a firm idea of who stands where, and where you stand. The time has come to be practical. You are going to need a plan. You are at base camp and you will be tackling the mountain until Christmas 2020. It is like ascending Everest and you will need the right support, the right tools and the right attitude. I would actually describe this period of your life, starting on December 21st, as genuinely life-changing. You will see why by Christmas 2019, when you go into the first year of the next decade with a promotion, new career or other breakthrough which is the natural outcome of everything that begins, in the smallest way, just a few days before Christmas Eve.
Aries, this is not just about your own chosen field, profession or special area of talent. It is about the entire world of corporations and governments all around us, which will go through their own challenges and changes - directly affecting you too. There are three keys to this cycle. One is to do your homework and find out what has served other people in the situation you will find yourself in, across January 2018. The second key is to understand that nothing but self-control and willpower are going to work. The third key is to find the middle way between over-protecting yourself and under-protecting yourself. You need to be a realist, now. There is no point in allowing particular new realities to dominate your life, any more than there is any point in sticking your head in the sand.
Do all the reading and talking you can, for the next few weeks, and listen to the voice of experience. When faced with Everest it's the trusted mountaineers you want - those who know the ropes - so reach for them.
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
Taurus: 18-31 December 2017
The fresh start with the money, house, business, apartment, possessions or charity that arrives near Monday, 18th December, has been born out of necessity, not out of choice. You are still in the most challenging cycle in 29 years for the financial or material side of your life. Yet, the fear factor for you or other people will disappear on Wednesday, 20th December, and once various delays or changes are out of the way, from Wednesday, 10th January, you can finally call this episode finished (after a rewrite).
The new chapter in your life for 2018 arrives on Thursday, 21st December, and your focus is something you know very well, given all that you have experienced in the last nine years. It is foreign people and places, and cultures which are so different to your own. The reality check you take near Friday, 22nd December. is unavoidable and somewhat inevitable. From Christmas Day, it will also be a matter for two people, not one. The actual paperwork or discussions will roll from 11th January. If these faces or places from such distant parts of the map also tally with your publishing, academic, educational or religious agendas, then seek out the voice of experience to help. Tried, trusted and tested approaches will work best for you. Roll up your sleeves and get to work on the people, the place or the plans which involve a pin on the map so far away. Taurus, you are a grounded earth sign; use it!
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
Gemini: 18-31 December 2017
Gemini, the kind of chemistry you have with your former, current or potential partner will be your priority at the New Moon on Monday 18th December, but keep mixing, because the recipe will keep changing until at least Monday 8th January – so in about two or three weeks. What you hear, read or discuss is not final as your ruler Mercury (communication, information) is still not behaving normally. This may look and smell like a new chapter for both of you, or for one of you (which affects both of you), but please keep an open mind and be prepared to erase some details or add more in later.
Do you have an enemy, rival or opponent? Is this person more important than any partner? If so, Gemini, then the same advice applies. You may feel that what goes down near Monday is a new beginning, but don’t be fooled – Mercury, your ruler, is still out of phase and you need to be prepared to go back and forth on this matter, until 8th January. One thing that should come as a relief, though, is the new atmosphere surrounding this person, and this issue, from Thursday 21st December. This applies to past, present or potential partners as well as rivals or foes. You have been laboring under the heavy weight of unavoidable situations or inevitable realities, involving your former, current or potential partner - for over two years. Now, at last, there will be relief and release – emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, perhaps physically too. There are loose ends to tie up; conversations to finish; e-mails to send; Christmas cards or letters to gain closure with. Even if this takes longer and is more complicated than usual, it is worth it. Some Gemini people have also been put through the mill with their partner’s own situation. The departure of Saturn soon, then Mercury in early January, should allow you to take a deep breath and leave some difficult episodes behind in 2017 – for good. Now, in this long fortnightly horoscope, I also have to mention the new state of affairs for your finances, apartment, business, house, possessions or charity this Christmas. You are going to have to get real, quickly, and be ready to acquire some very good advice, as the decision near 2nd January will affect you for several months. Others have been here before you. Scan general opinion, but make sure that the advice you have on hand is utterly professional. I can’t emphasise enough how important January will be in setting up the future of your finances, lifestyle, property and security. You may as well adjust and adapt now, and set aside decent amounts of time next month to get to grips with what needs to be done.
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
Cancer: 18-31 December 2017
Other people have been in a similar situation to your own, where your marriage or partnership is concerned. This also applies to the very particular relationship you have with your ex. Cancer, Christmas can be a loaded experience for a single person and, if this sounds like your own situation, then what follows also applies to you.
Now, for the first time in 29 years, Saturn – the great teacher of astrology – is moving into your opposite sign of Capricorn. This describes the nature of the balance between yourself and he (or she) who matters so much. It brings in questions about fairness and equality. It raises questions about symmetry and harmony. You are likely to see this, front and centre, near Thursday 21st December as around 9.00 pm in London, Saturn will conjunct the Sun. This is also the period of the Winter solstice at Stonehenge and so there is a sense that you are at some kind of milestone. You will see why when you experience the Full Moon on 2nd January, just after New Year’s Eve. This is the time of year when people get engaged, or decide to break up. It is also the time of year when new relationships begin. Sometimes a partner’s situation shifts and all of a sudden, you must take on the realities of being with them, based on the vows you made or the promises you two have exchanged. Cancer – where your former, current or potential partner is concerned, this is the time of year when big decisions are made about the year ahead – pregnancies, employment changes or property moves. Truly, whatever your personal situation is, the time is right to look at what works and to be pretty ruthless about getting rid of what doesn’t. There is really no point in guessing, or assuming about this situation with he (or she). If you need to hit the books, then hit the books. If you feel like trawling a few forums, then trawl away. Should you be breaking up or even divorcing, then remember that you have fortunate Jupiter in your Fifth House of parenthood, children, stepchildren and so on. Thus, if you are concerned about how things will be with a son or daughter, bear in mind that this is the best time in 12 years to deal with issues like custody – and Jupiter will be with you for most of next year.
Cancer, there is also another major story taking place in December and it concerns your daily workload. You have been put through the hardest cycle in 29 years, and I am sure 2016 and 2017 have really tested your patience. The issue may have been your energy levels and physical condition, or it may have been broader concerns with people – or organisations – or industry-wide trends. The good news is, this cycle is completely over, four days before Christmas. Allow for delays or changes with the paperwork, discussions or plans – yet from around 10th January, it’s well and truly out of your life.
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
Leo: 18-31 December 2017
Leo, it may help to explain that for just over two years now, you have been dealing with the heavy weight of Saturn, the planet of life lessons, in your house of children. This is the Fifth House of your chart, where we also find courtship, as well as sons, daughters, young relatives and godchildren. Your royal bedchamber has been a tough place to be. Dealing with the emotional or spiritual legacy you leave to younger faces has also been rather difficult. You do not have to be a parent to experience it – Beatrix Potter was a Leo, and her life was dominated by the children she wrote for. Now, with the departure of Saturn on Wednesday 20th December, you can look forward to a completely different atmosphere. Perhaps it is the effect of Christmas, but for whatever reason, 2018 will come as a relief and a release. In fact, 2019 will come as a joy, because Jupiter the planet of opportunity and improvement will pass through your Fifth House then, and no matter how much one young face has tested you, or one situation with the next generation has stretched you emotionally - the fact is, 2019 will bring wonderful outcomes involving younger faces, that year. This also applies to the business of courtship, pregnancy, adoption, stepchildren, godchildren, child custody, fertility, contraception and the rest. The Fifth House rules all this in your chart and 2016, 2017 have been relentless, but from 20th December it’s over. Leo, it’s only fair to say that despite the relief and release about the young, or about a lover - there are loose ends to tie up as delays, obstacles or changes will affect this story, so please be a little more patient and allow until January 10th for the ultimate sign-off. What else can I tell you about this final fortnight in December? Well, you’ll know it, on 21st or 22nd December, as your ruler the Sun conjuncts Saturn. It is time to get real about your daily workload, and the way your physical condition dictates who you are – and what you do. You may be engaged in paid work, unpaid work and/or housework. You are not a robot, however, and you are now entering a very demanding new cycle when you must understand, in greater depth, how the body and mind work together. There is also the spirit. Dig deeply into anything that can help you, no matter if it is an internet forum, or a shelf full of books. The Full Moon near 2nd January also involves your ruler the Sun and even more light will be shed on what is required, what is unavoidable, and how to set important new priorities for 2018. The service or duty you provide to others and the body you are ‘in’ as 2018 begins, are all connected. I know that it is easy to view one particular part of your body as a separate thing, but in astrology and in much alternative medicine, it is viewed as part of the whole – mental, spiritual, emotional. Taking this angle, on whatever goes down for you, from Christmas through to New Year, will be incredibly helpful, according to the Leo horoscope I am looking at now. It may be worth a deeper enquiry.
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Virgo: 18-31 December 2017
Christmas and New Year classically bring choices about the children, lovers, family politics and so on. This is a general trend for everyone, yet in your horoscope it’s also so personal. Virgo, you are at a milestone which I can only describe as your personal Stonehenge solstice. I am sure you know that at this time of year, the Sun stands still, and does so very close to the Heel Stone at this famous monument. It is literally a monumental occasion, and so is December 2017 for you, because it marks the end of two years of difficulty with a home, household, home town, homeland or family question. In fact, you can farewell this phase as early as 4.48am (London time) on Wednesday 20th December when at last the planet Saturn quits this area of your horoscope. You are not completely out of the woods, because one matter involving e-mail, phone calls or the post will continue to go around in circles until around January 10th, but from that point, you are in the clear. In the meantime, try to have Plan B and Plan C where your relative, flat mate, landlord, council and so on, is concerned, as you are going to meet with delays or changes until you have absolute closure, in a couple of weeks. Now, Virgo, I mentioned children and lovers as well, at the start of your forecast, because this zone of your horoscope is lit up like a Christmas tree. The fact is, you are going to have to accept the things you cannot change, as Patric Walker used to say. The rest, you can no doubt manage. I don’t think you’re going to have the full measure of the situation until the Full Moon on 2nd January, and again this comes right after New Year’s Eve which is such a loaded time for relationships, family, young relatives, godchildren and the rest! I would advise you to go slowly and carefully into anything new. It may be a matter involving your son, stepchild or daughter. It may be a key stage in a sexual relationship, no matter if it’s the beginning, middle or end. The reason for this is that you won’t have all the information until after January 10th. For now, what you have is the change in atmosphere. This is ‘climate change’ for your heart, basically, and you are going to need time to adjust and adapt. Rather than assume or guess, it may be useful to adopt a wait-and-see position until more becomes clear in January and you’ll obviously have The Conversation. Serious Saturn will be with you in this area of your chart in 2018, 2019 and a little further – and you need to know more than you think you do. Because everything is so awfully new, don’t hesitate to turn to the voice of experience or expertise to help you, no matter if you are a parent, godparent, aunt, uncle, grandparent or have some kind of paid or unpaid work involving younger people. This also strongly applies to the lovers among you, who will be living very much in the real world this Christmas, as although we like to pretend sex is just a merry romp, the truth is, sex is frequently about pregnancy, babies, adoption, other people’s children and the rest. Time to get real.
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Libra: 18-31 December 2017
For the last eight or nine years, Libra, you have been learning how to take back control of your home, home town, homeland, household, family or property situation. If you are typical of your sign you will have been taken through challenges involving two or three items on this list, in turn. Each episode has shown you what happens when you abandon your willpower and self-control and let other people, or wider situations, take charge. Similarly, when you have used self-discipline, you have gained empowerment, and there is no substitute for that. People moan about Pluto transits with all their intensity, but the fact is, you have been given the gift of empowerment via the house, apartment, relative, flat mate, tenant, town, country and so on – and once you have it you never lose it. Pluto has been transiting your Fourth House since 2008 and your situation has transformed, slowly but surely, over a number of years. As the Fourth House describes your foundations – where you come from, where you belong – anything from a particular relative, to a specific residence – may have taught you a lot. This goes way beyond others sharing your surname, or mere property price considerations. Pluto goes very, very deep and whatever has gone down, has hit the very core of you – the emotional, spiritual, psychic and psychological essence of you! Now, on Thursday 21st December, Saturn also enters this area of your chart. On the same day, the Sun conjuncts Saturn, so everything will be very clear, about your people or your place, very quickly. Christmas tends to lay everything on the line for people anyway, because it highlights family politics, and questions about where home is, or how a particular apartment or house is reflecting the state of mind of its owner! You are then heading towards a Full Moon on 2nd January, so your December looks like a classic case of a Christmas Moment of Truth, followed by the nitty-gritty of managing everything, a couple of weeks later. The phrase ‘Between a rock and a hard place’ springs to mind. Still, Libra, it is also true that nothing truly worthwhile is knocked together quickly. Kit homes built in a slapdash way are no match for the majesty and importance of a castle, are they? To say that your home is your castle is the understatement of the year. If we take ‘home’ to mean your home town, homeland and the rest – and every root and branch on your family tree – then you surely have a building project to master. Go in slowly. Your first thought, just before Christmas, is not your best thought. Not by a long way! If nothing else, wait until Mercury changes signs on January 10th and do your research in the second half of next month, so you have the facts. You are going to have to restructure a very big part of your life, which is all about your sense of place and belonging, either to a clan or to a special part of the world. It’s going to take you at least a couple of years so you may as well lay the first brick in January, the right way. Take your time. If you do happen to be moving or reshuffling a household get the very best advice you can, from scanning internet forums and also talking to professionals. Don’t leap into this. Know who and what you are taking on! Don’t assume or guess. Saturn moving into a new house of your horoscope can sometimes coincide with a new lodger, tenant or family member moving into your (real) house. Do some quiet research, if so. I guess Christmas and New Year are classically times when family members say their piece, or house/apartment decisions manifest. This is true for all of us, but for you, across 2017-2018 it will undoubtedly change your life.
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Scorpio: 18-31 December 2017
You can be as wealthy as Bill Gates or Prince Charles on this heavy Saturn cycle (which you have put up with for at least two years) and still be tested by income changes, banks, share market shifts and the rest. The good news is, the toughest financial, property and business cycle for three decades, ends on Wednesday 20th December. Give it time, though, as you have been engaged in a paper trail, discussion or perhaps a long pause on the internet – and nothing can resolve yet. In fact, you may have to wait until the first ten days of January to see final closure. From that point forward, though, you should be optimistic, as you will make or save a small fortune from the end of 2018 and by 2019 be in a very good position, with your house, business, apartment, money, charity or possessions. To make your life simple, though, take any fresh start near Monday 18th December with a large grain of salt, as this financial, property or business situation will change shape, be held up or even (most dramatically) be reversed while Mercury goes backwards and forwards, until January 10th. Across this time-frame, you also need to look at an issue that has been with you for eight or nine years, and that’s communication. Ever since 2008 the whole business of being heard, read and understood has been far more intense than usual, because of the frequent number of power and control issues that have crossed your path. To mention a third famous Scorpio alongside Bill Gates and Prince Charles, I am sure you remember that Hillary Clinton had to endure severe difficulties with her e-mails. Your concern may be the spoken word (teaching), writing, publishing, multimedia or just your iPhone, but as this cycle is with you for many years, you are only halfway through. Keep a gentle eye on people, organisations or situations which ring alarm bells about control issues - and avoid them as much as you can. This is even more important now that Saturn is changing signs. In fact, look twice, three times and four times at the particular concept, project, course, class, plan or technology which is in view – now through January. Do not assume. Ask around! Trawl the worldwide web for as much information as you can acquire, before you make a choice. You really don’t want to lug around something – particularly an idea or project - which is a lead weight for the next year or two. Some things on a Saturn cycle are unavoidable but others can be managed. Find out what is actually involved before you say yes or no.
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Sagittarius: 18-31 December 2017
Sagittarius, take your time with your Me Agenda until January 10th as one story affecting your title, reputation, image, personal appearance, brand or profile will go back and forth. It may be the internet, it may be the universe, but there appears to be some circular situation affecting what would normally take just a week or two. There may be a relaunch, rebirth, renaissance or similar near Monday 18th December, but in actual fact, it will not be until mid-January that you can actually say you know where you stand, and where things are, for your ‘Me’ issues. Be particularly watchful with printers and the web itself, and be mindful about issues like your title or name, as Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius does require a watchful eye. Moving right along to your money, Sagittarius, the time has come to get real and be practical. This new Saturn cycle will be demanding, and it will arrive with a bang, as the Sun conjuncts Saturn on the very first day he changes signs, on Thursday 21st December. This may be about your house, apartment, business, bank account, income, charity, possessions or company – but you do need to be prepared to roll up your sleeves. Saturn cycles really test us, but they are also the making of us. What we learn and achieve on them, stands us in good stead for years. So, it will be with your own situation. There are never any magic tricks or short cuts on Saturn cycles. You are likely to find that you have to do something rather boring or sensible, to deal with what is now unavoidable. It may be saving. It may be selling. It may be hard graft with your accountant. It takes considerable energy and time to deal with both Pluto and Saturn in this house of your chart, so if you need to rethink your diary, then do so. January is actually going to be the month for the serious talks and paperwork, following an ‘Okay, yeah, right’ moment very close to the 2nd, just after New Year’s Eve. I know this is supposed to be the holiday season but actually, if you can manage to cope with the calculator and the highlighter pen while you’re snaffling chocolate, so much the better. It is very clear from your horoscope that January 2018 is about the foundation stone you lay for the long-term future of your finances, all the way to 2020, so no matter what you are dealing with, or who you are dealing with, try to get the best possible advice you can afford, to choose the right stone and find the right place for it.
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Capricorn: 18-31 December 2017
There are some tried, tested and trusted rules when it comes to matters of image or appearance now, Capricorn. Cosmetic surgery attracts a ton of forum opinion online, and so do diets, hair transplants and other ‘Me’ matters. If you’re going that way, then do all the homework you can, as Saturn is entering Capricorn and you really don’t want a lesson you could have avoided. Second, third, fourth opinions from experts and professionals are a smart idea on a cycle like this, which begins on Thursday 21st December. If your birthday falls on that day, or the 22nd of December, then I’ll double that message. Of course, this new cycle can also be about role and reputation – never mind how you physically look. Responsibilities, title, name, identity, badge, business card and the rest. I suspect this new Saturn cycle may have more to do with your status than anything else. How seriously should you take it? Well, it really depends on how much you read into the superficial aspects of yourself. There is no way you ‘are’ your job, or your employment status, or your degree, reputation – or anything else. You are your soul, spirit and essence! Yet – you are also a Capricorn and more than any other sign of the zodiac you understand where you fit in, according to society, or according to Status Anxiety. Sometimes the issue on this cycle is age. Sometimes it’s just how you look or appear, depending on how far up the mountain you’ve climbed, or how far you think you’ve clambered down. It will take a fair bit of time to digest and absorb the new position of Saturn, your chart ruler. In fact, there is more information to come about yourself – in image terms – probably involving your title or name, and that will appear in the second half of January. You’ll need a fair bit of energy for that. You’ll have it too, because Saturn’s change of sign means the end of a very tough two years, when everything had to be kept secret and you simply could not share. That is now over – in fact it will be over at 4.27pm, London time, on Thursday 21st December. It must have taken a great deal of effort to cover things up, or just deal with them alone, but you can wave goodbye to all that forever. The energy release that comes from no longer having to hide things, or operate out of sight, will really help you with the ‘Me’ issues which must now be managed as swiftly and practically as possible, over January 2018.
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
Aquarius: 18-31 December 2017
You are well-known for your qualities as a true friend, a key person both outside, yet within groups, but it has also been very hard work, for a very long time! The truth is, 2016 and 2017 have really stretched your patience, as a particular friendship, social strata, social media group or official organization has been very hard work. It’s like being in the Republican party your whole life, along with your family, then realizing what it’s doing to you. It’s like being in a very famous band and then realizing what a straitjacket it is. Aquarius, you will have your own story with one particular circle of people, as Saturn has transited your Eleventh House of friends and groups, for just over two years - but it ends on Thursday 21st December. The climate change will be instant. Anything (or anybody) which has felt cold, hard or heavy to you will either cease to affect you, or just disappear altogether. The actual wrap-up will take time, so be prepared for things to go back and forth until at least January 10th, when you can clap your hands together and dust off the last year. If you’re reading more than one astrology website at the moment, you’ll likely be hearing all about Saturn entering Capricorn. This can only happen every 29 years so it’s a big deal. What does it mean for you? Basically, you need to be sharply aware of what/who you are taking on board, from 21st December onwards. This would specifically concern a secret you need to cover up, an uncredited role behind the scenes where you receive no acknowledgment – or a mystery. What mystery? Well, it may concern anything from the occult (which means ‘hidden’) to membership of Alcoholics Anonymous. I hope you are getting a feeling for Saturn in Capricorn. It is about new burdens which are tied to everything which is submerged, below the surface, unseen and unknown. Before you go picking one of those burdens up, please take your time, take a deep breath and take a really good look online, for a start. If you are involved with the police, the CIA, MI6, the FBI, ASIO or similar – where you have to sign confidentiality agreements – be particularly sensitive to what crosses your path now through January because this is a good example of what you need to be so very, very careful about. Ask! We also associate therapy with this cycle, for the obvious reason that is it usually done in secret, while an analyst probes your buried self. Again, look before you leap. Saturn can be very hard work and he hangs around for at least two years in this zone of your chart. Don’t just walk into this – whatever ‘this’ happens to be. I have seen people take on major projects where they are invisible, uncredited, unacknowledged on this cycle and they find them very difficult to get out of. If this is ringing bells and you know it would be a burden, you know what to do!
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Pisces: 18-31 December 2017
You can wave goodbye to the toughest cycle for career, unpaid work, university and employment in 29 years, on Thursday 21st December. If you had work in 2016, 2017 then it stretched your patience and tested your faith in particular people, projects or positions. If you were studying, you really felt it! If you were without work, then unemployment must have been particularly hard. The truth is, Saturn is just a lead weight (this planet ruled lead in ancient times) and given that this cycle has been hanging around for over two years, you have been asked to shoulder a great deal. There is obviously some kind of circular or prolonged discussion or paperwork, as the year ends and 2018 begins, but despite the New Moon and the new beginning near Monday 18th December, give it time. The wheels are stuck and won’t spin forward as they should, on your New Year/New Goal/New Project/New Role until January. In fact, there may be a replay or rewind of something that goes back many weeks, but from January 10th onwards, you can get on with your life. December and January are months of transition when you also begin a new Saturn cycle, so how will that affect you? Well, for a start, Pisces, your new challenge will be an old challenge! Friendships and groups of all kinds have been the wallpaper in your world since 2008, and the patterns have been rather complicated. Now, you have to look at your history and background with these people again. The groups may be purely social, or more formal, like Freemasons or a charity. The friendships may have been mostly online or real-world, but you have certainly seen total transformation here. For the last eight or nine years, you’ve had regular episodes with others, where the only solution to feeling overpowered or controlled, is to use your willpower to become empowered, and use your self-control to get the reins. Why look back at the wallpaper of your social life? Because you need to be utterly practical about who or what you are taking on this Christmas and New Year. Friends and groups will be very hard work in 2018 and 2019 so before you take that on, make sure it’s worth it. You actually need to ask a lot more questions, and that will be possible in the second half of January, Pisces.
If you are a Premium Member you can use your personal birth chart with the dates I am about to give you, so that you can add extra, personal, specific predictions to your weekly forecast. Are you being affected by the Capricorn line-up? Please keep reading.
© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
HI Jessica
Not sure if you’re on your holidays so can’t respond but I’ll try my luck anyway.
I’m trying to line up events in my life to the predictions and wanting to see if I’m on the right track.
You mention Capricorn at 1 degree and I have Capricorn at Neptune 1 and I do have a cross road choice to make about my career – two prospects lined up, both takes me to very different aspiration and if I choose one over the other, definitely I’ve set up my ambitions where I can’t revisit the other without financial and/or skills penalty.
Both positions are dilly dallying in deciding whether they’ll hire me. So I’m thinking per your prediction, I’ll probably get a contract in mid January.
One path I’ll get the salary and the other path I’ll get considerably less salary but an interesting technical area in forensics accounting. Both offers great career climbing and so forth. Anyway not sure which I’ll choose, money or expertise. I think having Neptune in this area brings me confusion most times on my aspirations and so on.
Am I reading things correctly?
Saturn crosses your Neptune in Capricorn in the Tenth House of career right on cue, at the end of December and start of January 2018 so find out as much as you can, ask questions, ask around, read the internet forums and the rest. Be a realist because you tend to use your career in quite an escapist way – there are aspects of your professional life that just aren’t real at all – so don’t kid yourself or live in a dream world with this one, no matter which position you end up taking. Just be aware of that and make it your business to find out everything you don’t know. If you only have Neptune at 1 Capricorn and that’s it, then this transit is over quickly enough and yes, if you stay the course, you would find the most intense, life-changing, game-changing three years ahead with a prize at the top.