Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for December 2017. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: December 2017
Aries, the angle of your horoscope which rules your family changes quite dramatically in December, as Saturn moves in. Of course, Christmas is traditionally the time that your relatives get more attention, but there are also astrological reasons for the new direction. Saturn joins Pluto in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, for the first time in 29 years and every month, from this point on (for about three years) you will be dealing with your family tree in quite a different way. It makes sense to do some of the pruning, weeding, cutting, trimming and fertilising now. The more you prepare the ground in December, the easier it will be to manage in 2018-2020. You also have a Full Moon coming up, which will have an impact on your clan, on Tuesday 2nd January which comes straight after Christmas Day, so you may need a new strategy with your clan this holiday season. Of course, this makes even more sense if you separated or divorced in the last year or two, or have been dealing with a loss of any kind. There are many, many reasons why your family requires extra time, thought, care and energy at the moment, though – your personal birth chart will tell the story.
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Taurus: December 2017
The most important thing about December is the group. This may be a trade union, yoga class, rock band or members’ club. It does look as if you are approaching the point of no return, together. It’s now or never, basically, and so much depends on the kind of future you personally believe in. If you are pessimistic or don’t see the point in travelling in the same direction any more, it may well be that 2017 is the end of what might have been. By early 2018 at the latest, you may well find this community of people has scattered. Taurus, the other option is just as valid. In this parallel universe, you decide it is worth acting quickly, decisively and dramatically to do your utmost to pull everyone together and turn things around. The fact is, it could go either way, but absolutely nothing is going to change unless you focus hard on what you want for the group as a whole, and for yourself as an individual, and do some fast talking. You also need a combined strategy. Your horoscope at Christmas reminds me of the R.A.F. during the Battle of Britain. So much depended on a shared sense of destiny and direction. So much depended on almost telepathic levels of trust. Timing was everything, too. Taurus, the choice about 2018 is very much yours.
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Gemini: December 2017
Gemini, you have earned the right to feel pleased with yourself – even smug – about all that you have achieved with people in 2017. Your reward at Christmas is knowing that you have so many precious relationships and associations behind you. This is a Christmas present that you can’t find in a catalogue – a solid wall of support. Certain people really are ‘the gift that goes on giving’ and you are lucky to have this kind of backing. On the emotional, spiritual and psychological level you should be fulfilled in December, but there is also a gentle reminder from your horoscope to nurture these connections. Rather than read people as a group, read them as independent individuals. There is quite a strong focus on ‘Me’ at the moment, which is natural when there is a Full Moon in Gemini, your own sign. You have every right to be front and centre – yet, you would also gain by turning your attention to each person and his/her chemistry with you. In fact, one person in particular is not on solid ground as others are – and he or she definitely requires attention and care from you.
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Cancer: December 2017
One look at your horoscope in December and it’s clear that you would gain by turning to meditation, relaxation techniques, yoga or just ‘mindfulness’ as they call it, to deal with your mind, body and spirit. In astrology we don’t separate your head space from what is happening to you physically, and it works the other way too. You are at the closing stages of a cycle which can only occur every 29 years and it really does demand some kind of strategy, when it comes to your wellbeing – and that includes your mental health too, which can be affected by issues like anxiety or depression. If this rings true for you, then it’s obviously going to take a lot more than a horoscope column for you to address that, but there is hope. In fact, there is a ton of hope, as you could turn things around this month. Some people born with the Sun in Cancer may be dealing with serious health or medical matters now, as Saturn and Mercury move through your Sixth House. Again, astrology says you can’t separate the head, soul and spirit from the physical side of your health, so this could be a good month for you to look at what you can change – in your total and absolute favour.
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Leo: December 2017
You only have Jupiter in your family zone once every 12 years and this Christmas, it’s time to look at your family tree going back as far as you like. At the same time, Leo, you also have Neptune in your legacy and inheritance zone, so there may be some practical questions here about property, money or possessions which is passed on from one generation to the next. This is an important month. I don’t know if you believe in ‘life after life’ or not, but in astrology the Fourth House (where we find Jupiter) is very much about the ancestors continuing in spirit and the impact those ancestors have on your life, right here, right now. What is showing up in your horoscope is a huge shift for the family and perhaps it doesn’t matter if it’s the family as it stands in December 2017, or as it is remembered through photograph albums from the past. Jupiter is what the old astrologers used to call a ‘benefic’ and it benefits you – and others. December will come as a relief, a release and a revelation and by January, the New Year should genuinely feel like a new beginning for you or them.
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Virgo: December 2017
A particular relationship is special, precious and extremely valuable in December, even if it does not fit any conventional descriptions. It is important to remember that this solid gold bond between yourself and a certain someone, does not have to be normal. The world is full of normal, regular people and average, standard relationships. This is out of the ordinary, like the sushi plate on the Sushi Train that nobody really understands. It is important that you sit with the situation and the person for as long as it takes. Some mysteries may have to remain, but others should make more sense, as you slowly begin to appreciate what someone can bring to your world. We sometimes see this astrological pattern in a platonic relationship. It can also turn up when there is a male-female bond that does not fit any traditional mould. You currently have the planet Neptune circling your zone of emotional connection. I am sure you know that Neptune is associated with the sea. It is normal to sometimes feel ‘all at sea’ on this cycle so the other message about December is – if you don’t feel fully grounded, try to remember you are an earth sign and you can pull yourself back to the real world, any time you like. In fact, you seem to have drifted quite far out, for whatever reason, so Christmas might be the time to make a plan to keep it real again.
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Libra: December 2017
It has taken about 12 years for Jupiter, the planet of abundance, flow, generosity and solutions to end up in your finance zone. This is where we find charity, gifts, loans, bonuses, packages, payouts and the rest. This will be a very Merry Christmas for you, because you are gratefully receiving, or someone else – who is the happy recipient of your kindness. You are ruled by the scales, and so your sign is associated with legal matters (the scales of justice, usually held aloft by a blindfolded goddess) but also fairness as a principle. It is time for the scales to be polished and re-hung, so that you and others can find some symmetry and harmony. Without that gesture, from you (or towards you) nothing really hangs together, as there is a tremendous need for a lopsided situation to be corrected. I am sure you know the story of Scrooge, in A Christmas Carol. It’s a neat reminder of the fact that debts and credits also come with emotional and spiritual price tags. There is ‘emotional currency’ in December and it would be worth taking the time to look beyond the actual amounts involved, to the nature of the transaction being made. Hopefully it’s pure. No agenda. Just a straightforward balancing of the scales, which is a peculiarly Libran concern.
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Scorpio: December 2017
The Full Moon on Saturday 2nd December sets the tone all month. Christmas is about chemistry. Specifically, the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential lover. The Full Moon falls in the zodiac sign of Gemini, which rules marriage and mortgage. It also rules ex-wives and their legacies to your children. You get the picture! It’s a complicated Full Moon and although the situation depends very much on your own personal life (single, married, straight, gay, lesbian) the general message is about a bridge ahead. It’s a bridge to cross for both of you, and this may go beyond words. Why? Neptune is also in your zone of intimacy and this planet is associated with telepathy, the sixth sense, intuition and all the ways in which we transcend the boundaries with each other. Christmas is obviously the time that couples reconcile, or sometimes split and perhaps your personal birth chart tells a major story. Christmas is also the time that people get engaged, or decide to move in together, or have a baby ahead of the new year. Whatever your particular life chapter, the time has come to write it from page one, day one, with the desired ending in mind.
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Sagittarius: December 2017
We all know how crazy Christmas can be, in terms of money. People can be slow to pay their bills (or not pay at all). There are extra expenses, often for travel or entertainment. Beyond that, the world and his wife tend to send out invoices at the end of the year and everyone wants to be paid at once. Christmas can do odd things to business, as can the extreme weather that comes with it. Sagittarius, stop juggling. You are trying to keep all the balls in the air, but you might be better off coming up with a different strategy. This takes a reasonable amount of faith, as you are obviously keeping it all together (just) at the moment. Common sense says there are other ways to manage what comes in, as well as what goes out. We have patterns in your finance, charity, property and company zone this December which have never occurred in your lifetime – and will never occur again. This is not just about you, it is about the world economy – currency exchange rates, foreign trade and the rest. That’s the background. At least you can control your own budget!
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Capricorn: December 2017
Major action in the sign of Sagittarius, one sign behind you, suggests you will be behind the scenes at Christmas. The festive season does not suit everyone and perhaps you want to go on a retreat or take a few days off, to be by yourself. In other cases, circumstances beyond your control may result in you being a lone wolf, for some of the month – the bedroom door may be well and truly shut, with you behind it. December is extremely important. The solitude, either chosen or forced upon you, will result in a great deal of inner work. The soul, or spirit, inside you can be forgotten in all the noise of modern life. Now, it is time to find it again. I am in Manchester as I write this, and it is The Smiths’ home town. Morrissey’s famous line ‘There is a light and it never goes out’ rings true for your zodiac sign this month. Your light burns bright – the inner light – and yet it’s going to take some kind of withdrawal or retreat to find it. When you do, it will change everything and 2018 will be so much better.
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Aquarius: December 2017
‘There was movement at the station’ to quote the famous Australian poem. You are about to travel, move or make plans to do so. Of course this is quite natural at Christmas, when so many people pack their bags or call the removalist. There is more to your horoscope than this, though, as you are convinced that your ideas and plans would thrive in a different place. You are approaching the last year of a cycle which began in 2011 and has changed everything about your use of the computer, telephone or microphone. Of course, the technology has been progressing in leaps and bounds, forcing you to respond. One of the side-effects of the tremendous worldwide web expansion, has been the expansion of your own horizons – across the map. December reminds you, once and for all, that there are no more boundaries. Two hours on a train is nothing. Two days on a camel is nothing. Your ruling planet Uranus is finishing up his stay in Aries, an active and dynamic sign, in the Third House of your chart, which rules connection, communication, transportation and information. This could be an exciting time if you are prepared to follow all the signs.
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Pisces: December 2017
Pisces, you are just five months away from a revolution in your thinking; use of multimedia; use of the internet or smart phones. It will come with all the lightning bolts that Uranus is famous for, in May 2018. You have never had this cycle before and you will never have it again. It will profoundly alter the way you connect and communicate with other people. December will show you a little of what is possible, as the Moon moves into this same zone of your chart, ahead of the new year – and the planet of big horizons, Jupiter, starts to make a real impact in the area of your chart set aside for study, teaching, publishing, writing, blogging, travelling, moving and the global exchange of ideas. You have every right to be excited about what next year might hold. The chemical mix that is you, the plan, the place and the people is worth attending to this month, along with the other kind of cocktails.
Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for some important dates, both in December and the opening days of January. Don’t forget your 2018 horoscope will be here, 1st January.
© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Hello Dear Jessica,
I am premium yearly member though I haven’t been on in awhile nor commented and the first thing I see is the monthly for December is up!
Couldn’t help but notice all these factors going on at 11 degrees..looking at my chart I see I have Ceres in Aries and Aesculapia in Leo at 11 degrees.
I know Ceres relates to compromises and Aesc. is something, someone being revived
So Neptune in Pisces is my escaping from the real world..interesting as I looked up the transit and see it spends about a month in a degree and have been just holing up away from the real world only doing what I absolutely need to, to get by. I have gotten no where with the new business in the last few months as I can’t seem to get a handle on a viable location so I have been putting off with advertising for it for now. I don’t want to continue at my part time jobs and have let one go already. I really want my own location as others around me who have offered me space are so flakey and I don’t want to deal with their wishy washy crap anymore.
I feel like once I have my own space then I can get to it with the full blown advertising and getting the word out about it and finally make some headway.
Will the Full moon in Cancer be factor in the timing? I have Diana (trine Saturn in Taurus) at 13 degree Cap so just after the FM the Cap Sun will be there!
So basically I guess I am asking about the future of the business!!
Thank you so much Jessica!!!
Thank you. If you are tracking the 11 degree patterns then Jupiter at 11 Scorpio, Neptune at 11 Pisces and the Full Moon (Supermoon!) at 11 Sagittarius and Gemini on Sunday 3rd December is one to watch. Essentially, Aesculapia at 11 Leo is triggered most. This is going to be about the world of lovers or children. Expect a revival, resurrection, comeback or rebirth. Ceres in Aries is really about your image or profile, but the Leo/Fifth House Aesculapia is more specific and will be brought to life by these transits. It is common for exes to get back together, for example, or for pregnancy to arrive when women assumed their fertility was over…it’s on that level. But you will have your own story.
Dear Jessica,
this month, Chiron will conjuct my Vesta in 24 deg Pisces. I never know, should I read my horoscope as if Pisces is the 12th house or as a 7th house?
What should I expect from this conjuction?
Thank you very much for your answer and have a nice week-end!:-)
Okay, so your Vesta is about ‘one man, two plus women’ and the gender politics that goes with the imbalance. Placed in Pisces, Vesta is most certainly in your Twelfth House, which is where you keep secrets, operate behind the scenes, or deal with your unconscious. As a lifetime pattern you may be a classic ‘secret crush’ person who has dreams or daytime fantasies about men who are the object of desire of other women. Wanting someone who is unavailable and covering it up is typical. You will have your own story! When Chiron comes along, a hidden, secret or unconscious story about gender politics in your life will emerge. The trigger may be a person who breaks all the rules, or bends them. It may also be a situation where you wonder what is possible, permitted or practical. You can hit Search and look up Vesta for more.