Your November Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for November. See what this month looks like in the stars.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Aries: November

You should be feeling quite content about the precious people in your life in November. There is a saying ‘We have your back’ and that now applies to you. There are a number of special individuals who ‘have your back’ and that is something you can now relax and enjoy. It’s one of those months when friends feel like family – and family feel like friends. There is a material or financial edge to all this, Aries. We associate Jupiter with abundance and this planet is now in a horoscope zone where the connections and relationships are solid gold but there is also – thanks to a Venus-Jupiter conjunction on Monday 11th November – a profitable side to some links in your life. There is a New Moon on Saturday 18th November which also suggests that beyond these heart-and-soul associations which give you so much emotional support, you can obviously see how valuable they are in other ways. The only issue is that people must be treated as individuals and fully appreciated one-on-one. The reason I say this is that Vesta changes signs on Thursday 16th November and this can sometimes lead to issues if some unique faces in your world feel as if they are just another face in your crowd! The truth is, much as I am happy for your comfort levels – indeed, your smug happiness – in November, it’s also true that you have to wake up to the fact that these people don’t just take care of themselves. You have to invest in them as you would invest in any precious thing in your life. One face in particular needs special input. Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Taurus: November

There is a fair amount of life gardening to be done in November, Taurus. Without cutting away the dead wood in your life, and doing some pruning and trimming – particularly with one person – nothing grows! I am seeing a lot of oppositions in your horoscope this month, and whenever the heavenly bodies are at odds like this, you tend to find you are at odds with yourself or other people. A great deal depends on how things are accomplished. We have Mars in Libra all month and Mars can be quite sharp and to the point – sometimes even more extreme than that. Even as the month begins Mars is opposite Cupido on 1st November which rather sets the tone for the next four weeks.  I am sure you know that Mars was the Roman god of war and soldiers held him dear. In these more enlightened times the army is often brought in for natural disasters to clean up. I am not seeing a natural disaster for Taurus, so fear not – but there is certainly a great need for diplomatic action. It’s rather like you and he/she figuring out what needs to be done, when – and what tools to use. Is this going to be impulsive and thus rather reckless, or are you both going to clean things up and sort them out more thoughtfully? A great deal depends on how it’s all done.

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

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Gemini: November

Some wonderful times are in store with your group, circle or network in November. This may be your political party or football team. It may be an old group of female friends with no particular label or purpose, but together you are about to discover just how important the art of friendship is. Perhaps you will feel the connection as early as 1st November when the Moon enters Aries, the sign which rules the community, or the collective, in your life. Of course, we have had Uranus in Aries for a very long time – years, in fact – so if you have been all working towards something for a long period, November 2017 could be the high point when you chalk up a major victory together and have good reason to celebrate. It really depends on how you have been using your chart, Gemini, because this cycle has been going on since 2011 and life does occasionally remind us, that it takes half-a-dozen years of team effort in order to bring something wonderful to pass. There is a powerful little asteroid called Cupido which we associate with good feelings, good times and close feelings and he stations direct, or stands still, on Thursday 9th November in this group and friendship oriented area of your horoscope. The only thing to remember is the need for space, independence and individuality. If you can all respect the fact that you are wildly different people, and make allowances for that – within this feeling of closeness – it will work. 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Cancer: November

You can do very nicely with a house, apartment or bank account dream this month if you keep it real. To keep it real, you also have to make it real. There is a tremendous amount of potential at the moment but the delivery is really about being practical. Until you make a list and take action to cross of that list, you can’t really call your property fantasy or wealth fantasy anything more than that. Cancer, November is also about believing, trusting and having faith that this is all out there for you. It may be that you want to move in order to have a better lifestyle in a new place. Perhaps you want to use the shifting world of banks and shares out there (it’s bigger than you, as Jupiter is in Scorpio, the money sign, now) to your advantage. There is quite a lot of movement across the two zones of your chart which rule insurance, pay rises, property sales and purchases, leases, business income, charity and the rest. Just to give you one example, the potent asteroid Diana enters Aquarius on Tuesday 14th November and this sign has long been associated with everything that you earn, own or owe. One thing I would caution, though, is that you also need to be aware of your fear and loathing, as much as your great longing and daydreaming! You seem to be projecting a lot right now. Of course this is understandable because your horoscope gives you very good reasons why you might be seeing snakes in the grass or dragons to conquer. This is 2017, though, not the Middle Ages, so get real about what you are projecting, imagining or otherwise conjuring up. Pop those bubbles. Banish those gargoyles.

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Leo: November

You could actually perform a miracle this month, Leo, and get rid of one or two people, organisations or situations which you constantly have to keep at bay. Nobody really likes feeling on guard all the time. The issue for you is actually low visibility. You just can’t see who/what makes you feel defensive. You might sense them, or hear them, or be told about them – but you are pretty limited in your vision. We associate the planet Neptune with poor vision and this makes sense if you think about Neptune in terms of the ocean or sea. When you swim under water everything goes fuzzy and ultimately, the deeper you go, dense and dark. How can you take away what is blinding you? I suspect that when Neptune forms a quincunx with Ceres in Leo, your own sign, just before November begins – the situation will be set up. The fact is, you’re going to have to use all your other senses, including your psychic ability, to judge the situation. You do not want to leave yourself vulnerable or exposed, yet at the same time, this situation is keeping you stuck! Leo, can you time it right so that you find a moment when you are most secure, with minimum risk, and do whatever it takes to see this/him/her/them clearly at last? That would make a huge difference to your life. Then you can start chopping and changing and if you need to axe someone or something decisively and finally – you can do that. Then you can get on with your life. We have a powerful asteroid called Diana moving into your opposite sign of Aquarius on Tuesday 14th November and she will remind you that opposition, polar opposites, opponents or enemies cramp your style, take away your freedom and stop you from being the independent spirit you truly are. It’s now or never, Leo, and you need a strategy.

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Virgo: November

You and Prince Harry! A great many Virgo people will be at the point of no return with engagement, marriage (or a rejection of both) this month. I am seeing a huge amount of astrological traffic in your Seventh House, which describes the quality of the relationship you share with your former, current or potential partner. There is a feeling of ‘now or never’ with a certain someone this month. If you have been having an affair behind your partner’s back then this could be the time you two have to commit or forget it. We also see the chart patterns involving Neptune in Pisces now, when two people reconcile. You may have broken up or even divorced but if your personal birth chart agrees, there could be a new bond. Why is there all this ‘now or never’ in November? Well, we have a Full Moon on Saturday 4th which makes an exact angle to Neptune. On a Full Moon the Sun is opposite the Moon. I am sure you know that the Sun is associated with men and the Moon is associated with women. When they are opposite, there is either a cosmic union or a cosmic separation and none of it ever happens without a struggle. One thing I would like to say about Neptune is that it brings sea mist with it! Perhaps you have known this for years (the planet has been hanging around for years, in your opposite sign of Pisces, in the Seventh House of marriage, engagement, separation and divorce). It can be very hard to see when Neptune is around, so if there was ever a time to remember you are a Virgo and put communication ahead of confusion, distortion and illusion – this is it. Say your piece. Listen. Say another piece.

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Libra: November

This is the second month that Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and new beginnings, has been in his brand new sign of Scorpio. For something new to grow though (and this could be big) you have to release the old. By that, I mean letting go of what/who is obviously not going to be part of 2018 and beyond. If you were a fixed sign like Leo, Scorpio or Taurus you might have trouble being flexible. Yet, Libra is an air sign, and you can go this way and that, adapting and adjusting. This special skill of yours will be crucial in November because you must take a deep breath and move on. You can move onto almost anything you wish, as the future is wide open for you, but before that can happen, your horoscope tells me you must close a chapter. Actually, it’s more like finishing a book. That usually takes a fair amount of adjustment, especially if it’s been the kind of book that changes your life – and I would say the ‘book’ you have been writing has been just like this, for quite a long time. Thus, you might expect the story to go on and the chapters to continue. Not so. In fact, the Universe is throwing you a blank notebook and a fountain pen, along with a pot of gold ink. Why gold? Because the future glitters and gleams with fascinating possibilities. First, though, you really must accept that when a narrative has finished, you have to let go. I am saying this not only because of Jupiter, but because so very many planets and asteroids are ending their stay in one zodiac sign in November and entering another. Keep moving. 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November. 

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Scorpio: November

If you want an emotionally rewarding relationship, then reach for it. I guess you are reading all about Jupiter (good fortune, growth, opportunity) in Scorpio at the moment. All kinds of wild interpretation is floating around on the internet by amastrologers (amateur astrologers) and you are being promised wild multi-participant sex, blissful eternal marriage and the rest. Absolutely not, Scorpio, but you certainly are in store for something genuinely heartwarming and cockle-warming too. Jupiter in your own sign is really about your image and identity – the way you look and appear (your branding, title, appearance) and not much else. That will be evident in January 2018 as you have every intention of presenting and packaging yourself differently next year. It’s going to work too – brilliantly. For the heart and soul, though, we have to turn to the zodiac signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus and Sagittarius in your horoscope. These rule the many different kinds of solid gold bonds in your heart which are on offer, and this month I can see tremendous movement in at least a couple of those signs in your chart. The trick is – reach for it. Make it real. This could remain as pure potential. Wishful thinking. A ‘one day I’ll get around to using the chance’ moment. Please don’t just ignore this, or assume it’s going to materialise without any of your input. The truth is, if you want a person to offer you so much that is precious, even priceless – emotionally – then you have to believe in it, know that you deserve it, want it and work for it. Then it happens. This is the stuff of which you are made, so please do make it so! 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

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Sagittarius: November

When I look at your horoscope this month it’s very clear that you will be moving or travelling soon – and for very good reasons. You need to let what the astrologer Patric Walker called ‘distance lend enchantment to the view.’ It looks as though you have some precious, solid, priceless bonds and attachments all around you, but these are not enough. I do feel this has as much to say about you, as it does about the people concerned. In other words, whatever is turning you away in a new direction, across town – or across the region, the country or even the world – is personal. It’s a reflection of the chemistry you have with others, and you are 50% of that. So, there is an element of finding yourself in all this, or soul-searching. This is characteristic of your sign, as you are the explorer and adventurer of astrology who is always on a quest, either in search of other cultures and countries, or perhaps in quest of yourself. This is why so many, many Sagittarian people can be found in anthropology as well as astrology. November reminds you that this is actually your path in life so if you need to go – then you need to go! It may be for a weekend. It may be for months. When you take your leave of the current atmosphere, situation and set-up you will also take your leave of the old person you were, and the old chemistry with others that you were co-creating. When you come back it will be a different day, and you will be a different person. It is essential that you reassure others that you value them, by the way. And so you should, because your chart suggests these are the Faberge eggs of human relationships. With Cupido in fiery Aries making a standstill this month, I just don’t think you’ll put up with anything that doesn’t feel real – passionately engaging – and so you can be forgiven for wanting some time out, or just a chance to find out who you are, or used to be! 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

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Capricorn: November

You could call it good karma or rewards from past life involvements with family or partners. However you interpret November, it is clear from looking at your chart that you have big wheels turning with the house, money, apartment, charity, possessions or business. The faces around you now may well have known you before in other lifetimes and perhaps you have been involved in all kinds of relationships with these people – and one in particular! You don’t need me to tell you that finances have to be managed, as you are a practical earth sign, who at his/her best is well-known for being solidly grounded in the real world. When all is right with you and your world, you tend to be a natural when it comes to making the most of what you have. The horoscope zones which describe everything you earn, own and owe are now offering you a great deal. The Nodes, which bring the good karma we have been discussing, are now stretched across areas of your chart where you might hope to find extra income, or a great deal (perhaps even a free offer). There may be a highly profitable option involving property, or your company – or maybe just your local Car Boot sale. It really depends on your personal birth chart and what you have done with your life, Capricorn! One last thing. The need for space, independence and autonomy is very important with one or two other people who are involved. You can see the money, sure, but don’t be blinded by the gleam of silver and gold, as there is an equally valuable message about the very human need to be connected, but separate. In it together, yet in your own capacity. It matters! The fiercely independent Diana, the goddess who ran wild and free, lends her name to a powerful asteroid now in your property, business and money zone. You all need space. 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

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Aquarius: November

Aquarius, we have an unusual month in November, when so many planets and asteroids end their stay in one zodiac sign and move into another. This is your cue to end your time with particular situations or people and start the move towards your future. This takes tremendous belief in a kind Universe (and eventually you will realise you were being pulled along by the twitch upon an invisible golden thread). It also requires flexibility, which you have, as you are an Air sign and you know how to change direction, like the wind. Aquarius, it may be that you want to return to something or someone which is clearly in need of major reshaping and rethinking. I have seen this pattern before in your horoscope, and I have witnessed Aquarians deciding not to move on, but to reverse! If this is you, then you will back all the way into a set-up which needs tremendous hard work, as it is quite clear that you are going to have to renovate, repair, restore, renew. If you decide not to do this, because you feel this is an ending waiting to happen, then so be it. You will call this the final chapter in a long story, in a book which you have now decided to return to the Universe, the way you return a book to a library. Only you can decide, but given the direction of your chart in November, I would say that once you do make up your mind, it’s absolutely final. Walk away and start again or go back and rebuild? November is a now or never time. 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

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Pisces: November

You will spend days or weeks by yourself in November and get your faith and belief in life back as a result. I know that normally you pick up your monthly horoscope to read about love, or money, or work – but actually your astrological chart this month is about the massive breakthroughs you make when you are alone. This area of your chart is called the Twelfth House and in your case, it is ruled by the zodiac sign Aquarius. In November I can see a lot of ‘traffic’ in this part of your chart, some of it led by the South Node, some of it led by the asteroid Diana. One thing I will say about this sabbatical of yours, is that it relates to the internet. You are about to spend many, many years experimenting with the worldwide web in quite a radical way. This new cycle will not begin until May 2018, but your relationship with the internet will never be the same again. This month, November, is part of that process and I suspect it maybe because you need to spend time away from friends, family, lovers, colleagues – in order to truly ‘get’ the message about communication and information and the part that it plays in your world. Who knows, you may even quit digital, or go on a restricted digital diet, from May next year! Or…perhaps you will engage with the web in a different, more soulful, more spiritual way. Of all the 12 zodiac signs you understand your own soul or spirit better than most. In fact, the core of you (no matter if you feel it in your gut, or at the crown chakra, or in your heart) is all of you! Pisces, this is a hugely important month in terms of your soul’s progress. It may even change your life. 

Are you a Premium Member? I have specific dates for you which may relate to your own personal birth chart, because there is another story to tell in November.

© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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6 thoughts on “Your November Monthly Horoscope”

  1. Hi Jessica,

    Thank you for November horoscope.

    As for Virgo sign, it seems to be important month in relationship zone.

    If you could have a look at my birth chart to see if any highlights in this area for me this month. Maybe?!

    Thank you as always.


    • Justina, you have a stellium (unusually high number of factors) in Libra in your Seventh House of relationships so your life often revolves around love and sex – and the quality of the relationship with your former, current or potential partners really matters to you. At the moment you are finishing up a cycle which has challenged and changed everything about your love life and relationships, no matter if you are with someone, or free and single. You don’t say if you are married, single, living with someone, dating, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender or anything else so it’s hard for me to say much more. However – this ‘change’ cycle is fading and once Uranus goes to 29 Aries and opposes your Ops at 29 Libra, in 2018, you will have had the last of the chain of confronting, challenging situations which has made you rethink everything you used to know! You will be pleased to hear that Uranus goes out of Aries altogether (where he stops clashing with your Libra stuff) from May 2018 and from 2019 onwards you are in the clear and can look forward to far more settled and stable relationships.

  2. Thank you Jessica.

    You are so accurate, it’s amazing.

    Yes, it has been a challenging years in love life for me. I am straight, I have potential partners but it is very difficult to define if there is something or not. More feels like I left all at sea.

    In fact even to have a little more stable relationship was mission impossible! The thing that seems strange to me is that connections never developed to a relationship. And it has never been due to a lack of affection.

    Thank you so much Jessica.

    This give me some hope, a light at the end of the tunnel perhaps.


    • It’s okay, Justina, your Moon and Juno in Libra (true partnership) will work for you, your whole life. You have a sincere grip of what a balanced set of scales should be and it’s quite beautiful. John and Yoko had it. The mantra is ‘Different but equal’. The maths will tell you, every single month there are two Moon trines to Libra, from Aquarius and Gemini, when chances to build a duet or find one, build. Like rings upon an oak tree, over the passage of time, you will help yourself to find yourself, through one other. He/she will find you and there may be a few of them!

  3. Hi Jessica, I always enjoy and find your views very informative.
    I have been looking for a job that’s for ME.. I found a part time gig only to find out there was a lot of behind the scenes stabbing going on. Needless to say I left and I am no longer there.
    Like most of us I need to work. Can you please shed some light on this matter ?
    Also, can Venus moving signs find me a nice man to date ?

    • Thank you. From now through 2020 your entire career will be reshaped, along with your ambition and direction in life. You have a stellium, or unusually high cluster, of Capricorn chart factors in the Tenth House of success and achievement. Between now and 2020 you will experience not only Pluto (transformation) but Saturn (life lessons) Jupiter (opportunities, solutions) and Ceres (restructure) all in Capricorn, triggering the patterns you have there. So this is not a quick fix with a new job by January 2018 and then you get on with your life. What you will experience is the kind of deep change that can only occur once in your life. Finding expertise in your chosen field would help, as might talking to other professionals who can help you navigate, like career advisors or counsellors. Saturn is very much about ‘The Getting of Wisdom’ (to quote the book title) but it is much easier to acquire that wisdom by asking people who know, rather than having to make mistakes and learn the hard way. Finally, Venus moving signs isn’t about dating!

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